This is my ongoing project for the Rink Hockey veterans association.
The frontend is being made in React-Vite with Router, Context and Tailwind.
As for the backend initially it was bootstrapped with Fastify-CLI, which I am learning. However I found the authentication to be a bit cumbersome and while I'm investigating how to implement a robust authentication system, I decided in the meantime to switch to the KOA framework.
Fastify CLI to start a project.
Fastify documentation here.
KOA Documentation here
The backend covers a CRUD API for chapters as well as an almost fully fledged user auth and login system, including email confirmation.
Please use the .env-template as a guide to create your .env file and fulfill the required infos.
- Install dependencies
cd server
npm i
- Initiate the database:
cd back/
docker compose up -d
- Seed the database with data, if any. In any case run this command:
npx prisma migrate reset --force
- Then run the server
npm run dev
- When necessary, e.g. modifying the schema.prisma file, make database migration.
npx prisma migrate dev --name migrationName
- To stop the server just ctrl+C
- Then stop the container running the postgre database server
docker compose down
- Install dependencies
cd client
npm i
- Start client server
npm run dev
- Initiate tailwind watch in case you want to mess with it
npm run tailwind:watch