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Pablo image library completed commit
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qkopy-dev committed Jan 7, 2020
1 parent c159fdc commit 8e724fc
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 1 deletion.
195 changes: 194 additions & 1 deletion pablo/src/main/java/com/ajithvgiri/pablo/Pablo.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,199 @@
package com.ajithvgiri.pablo

class Pablo {
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Handler
import android.util.Log
import android.widget.ImageView
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.Executors

class Pablo(context: Context) {

var isCompress = true
// Initialize MemoryCache
var memoryCache = MemoryCache()
private var fileCache: FileCache = FileCache(context)

//Create Map (collection) to store image and image url in key value pair
private val imageViews = Collections.synchronizedMap(WeakHashMap<ImageView, String>())

// Creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of
// threads operating off a shared unbounded queue.
private var executorService: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5)

//handler to display images in UI thread
var handler = Handler()

// default image show in list (Before online image download)
val placeHolder = R.drawable.default_placeholder

fun displayImage(url: String, imageView: ImageView) {
//Store image and url in Map
imageViews[imageView] = url

//Check image is stored in MemoryCache Map or not (see
val bitmap = memoryCache[url]

if (bitmap != null) {
// if image is stored in MemoryCache Map then
// Show image in gridView
} else {
//queue Photo to download from url
queuePhoto(url, imageView)
//Before downloading image show default image

private fun queuePhoto(url: String, imageView: ImageView) {
// Store image and url in PhotoToLoad object
val p = PhotoToLoad(url, imageView)
// pass PhotoToLoad object to PhotosLoader runnable class
// and submit PhotosLoader runnable to executers to run runnable
// Submits a PhotosLoader runnable task for execution

//Task for the queue
inner class PhotoToLoad(var url: String, var imageView: ImageView)

inner class PhotosLoader(private var photoToLoad: PhotoToLoad) : Runnable {
override fun run() {
try {
//Check if image already downloaded
if (imageViewReused(photoToLoad)) return
// download image from web url
val bmp = getBitmap(photoToLoad.url)
// set image data in Memory Cache
memoryCache.put(photoToLoad.url, bmp)
if (imageViewReused(photoToLoad)) return
// Get bitmap to display
val bd = BitmapDisplayer(bmp, photoToLoad)
// Causes the Runnable bd (BitmapDisplayer) to be added to the message queue.
// The runnable will be run on the thread to which this handler is attached.
// BitmapDisplayer run method will call
} catch (th: Throwable) {
Log.e("ImageLoader", "exception from PhotosLoader ${th.localizedMessage}")


private fun getBitmap(url: String): Bitmap? {
val f = fileCache.getFile(url)
//from SD cache
//CHECK : if trying to decode file which not exist in cache return null
val b = decodeFile(f)
return b ?: try {
val imageUrl = URL(url)
val conn = imageUrl.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
conn.connectTimeout = 30000
conn.readTimeout = 30000
conn.instanceFollowRedirects = true
val inputStream = conn.inputStream
// Constructs a new FileOutputStream that writes to file
// if file not exist then it will create file
val os: OutputStream = FileOutputStream(f)
// See Utils class CopyStream method
// It will each pixel from input stream and
// write pixels to output stream (file)
copyStream(inputStream, os)
//Now file created and going to resize file with defined height
// Decodes image and scales it to reduce memory consumption
val bitmap: Bitmap? = decodeFile(f)
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
if (ex is OutOfMemoryError) memoryCache.clear()
// Download image file from web

private fun copyStream(inputStream: InputStream, os: OutputStream) {
val bufferSize = 1024
try {
val bytes = ByteArray(bufferSize)
while (true) {
//Read byte from input stream
val count =, 0, bufferSize)
if (count == -1) break
//Write byte from output stream
os.write(bytes, 0, count)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
Log.e("Utils", "Exception in ${ex.localizedMessage}")

//Decodes image and scales it to reduce memory consumption
private fun decodeFile(f: File): Bitmap? {
try {
//Decode image size
val o = BitmapFactory.Options()
o.inJustDecodeBounds = true
val stream1 = FileInputStream(f)
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream1, null, o)
//Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2.
// Set width/height of recreated image
val requiredSize = 100
var widthTmp = o.outWidth
var heightTmp = o.outHeight
var scale = 1
while (isCompress) {
if (widthTmp / 2 < requiredSize || heightTmp / 2 < requiredSize) break
widthTmp /= 2
heightTmp /= 2
scale *= 2
//decode with current scale values
val o2 = BitmapFactory.Options()
o2.inSampleSize = scale
val stream2 = FileInputStream(f)
val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream2, null, o2)
return bitmap
} catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
} catch (e: IOException) {
return null

fun imageViewReused(photoToLoad: PhotoToLoad): Boolean {
val tag = imageViews[photoToLoad.imageView]
//Check url is already exist in imageViews MAP
return tag == null || tag != photoToLoad.url

//Used to display bitmap in the UI thread
inner class BitmapDisplayer(private var bitmap: Bitmap?, private var photoToLoad: PhotoToLoad) :
Runnable {
override fun run() {
if (imageViewReused(photoToLoad)) return
// Show bitmap on UI
if (bitmap != null) photoToLoad.imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) else photoToLoad.imageView.setImageResource(


fun clearCache() {
//Clear cache directory downloaded images and stored data in maps

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