Demo Link: GitHub Pages
A simple Tic Tac Toe application created with HTML, JavaScript (jQuery), and CSS. This application was Project 0 for General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive boot camp. This project was designed for new students to create and deploy an interactive website using the skills they have learnt in the first two weeks of the boot camp.
- HTML 5
- JavaScript 1.7
- jQuery 3.6.0
- Classic Tic Tac Toe functionality.
- Custom Name and Token option
- Scoreboard for keeping score over many rounds.
- Visually displays winner and the winning row.
Application will run within the browser with JavaScript activated.
Project is complete.
The main function could benefit from refactoring.
CSS Styling is, as always, WIP.
- Add networked multiplayer.
- Dialog box at opening of page for entering names and choice of token.
Many thanks to Joel Turnbull, Rowena Leung, Pat Mifsud and the class of SEIR-48.
Created by Alex Poulsen. Feel free to contact me here