Direct and Lightweight
- Writing tests directly in Playwright is straightforward and does not require additional tools or setup.
- This approach is typically faster and more flexible.
Full Playwright Capabilities
- We have full access to Playwright's API and features without any abstraction layer.
- This can be advantageous for complex testing scenarios or when leveraging Playwright's specific capabilities.
Easier to Start
- Ideal for teams already familiar with JavaScript/TypeScript.
- We can get started quickly without learning additional syntax or tools.
Less Readable for Non-Technical Users
- Tests are written in code and may be less readable or understandable for non-technical stakeholders.
- This could be drawback for communication with business users.
Step 01: Open this repository in VSCode., and run the following command:
npm install
this will install all the required dependencies listed in package.json
"devDependencies": {
"@playwright/test": "^1.45.3",
"@types/node": "^20.14.12",
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"dotenv": "^16.4.5"
@playwright/test - Playwright Test extends the functionality of the Playwright Library into a full-featured test runner. This is designed specifically for end-to-end testing.
@types/node - Contains TypeScript definitions for Node. For running TypeScript files on node environment.
cross-env - For managing environment variables in node environment.
dotenv - For loading environment variables from a .env file.
Step 02: Run the following command to install browsers for Playwright to use
npx playwright install
Running the command without arguments will install the default browsers (chromium, firefox, webkit).
Step 03: Create directory inside ./tests for the application that needs to be tested.
./tests/[application name]/ Example: ./tests/demoApp/
Step 04: Create directory having name envConfig inside ./tests/[application name]/ for the application configuration files
./tests/[application name]/envConfig/ Example: ./tests/demoApp/envConfig/
Step 05: Create directory having name tests inside .tests/[application name]/ for the application tests
./tests/[application name]/tests/ Example: .tests/demoApp/tests/
Step 06: Create configuration files corresponding to the required environments (stage, qa, uat) inside the envConfig directory
./tests/[application name]/envConfig/[environment name].env Example: .tests/demoApp/envConfig/qa.env
Step 07: Create directory with feature name to be tested under the tests directory
./tests/[application name]/tests/[feature name]/ Example: .tests/demoApp/tests/demoFeature
- Do not create more directories inside feature directories.
Step 08: Create test file with extension [test file name].spec.ts inside the feature directory
./tests/[application name]/tests/[feature name]/[test file].spec.ts Example: .tests/demoApp/tests/demoFeature/demo.spec.ts
Step 09: Go to ./package.json file and create run test commands
Example -
"scripts": {
"test:demoAppWebkit": "cross-env APP_NAME=demoApp APP_ENV=qa npx playwright test --project=webkit",
"test:demoAppFirefox": "cross-env APP_NAME=demoApp APP_ENV=qa npx playwright test --project=firefox",
"test:demoAppChromium": "cross-env APP_NAME=demoApp APP_ENV=qa npx playwright test --project=chromium"
Step 10: Run the following command in terminal to run the test in the webkit browser
npm run test:demoAppWebkit
Step 11: After test run is complete validate results in the ./app-test-report/[application-name]/ directory
Example: ./app-test-reports/dempApp/
Place common utilities in the ./commomUtils directory Create one file for one utility, this way it would be easier to find and update these files. For example: ./commonUtils/screenshotUtil.ts