$ go build ./cmd/inter-token
$ go build ./cmd/inter-banking
$ inter-token -scopes extrato.read -client-id <your client id> -client-secret <your client secret> --output-format info
token a1200a94-b847-4cda-a510-cc0b9c7182d4
type Bearer
expires 2022-02-02T02:22:22-03:00
scopes extrato.read
Show the command help using inter-banking --help
Usage: inter-banking [OPTION...] <COMMAND>
-h, --help give this help list
-c, --cert signed certificate file (default 'cert.crt')
-k, --key certificate private key file (default 'cert.key')
-t, --token personal user token
balance get account balance
-d, --date balance date in the format YYYY-MM-DD (defaults to
-f, --output-format the output format used to show balance; can be
'short' (default) or 'full'
statement fetch account statements
-s, --start-date statements start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
-e, --end-date statements end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD (defaults to
$ inter-banking --token a1200a94-b847-4cda-a510-cc0b9c7182d4 --date 2022-02-02 --output-format full
Balances at 2022-02-02
Available 143293.57
Limit 0.00
On hold 0.00
Judicially blocked 0.00
Administratively blocked 0.00
$ inter-banking --token a1200a94-b847-4cda-a510-cc0b9c7182d4 --start-date 2022-02-02 --end-date 2023-02-12
Statements from 2022-02-02 to 2022-02-12
Date Value Operation Type Title Description
2022-02-02 22373.32 credit transferencia Transferência recebida TED RECEBIDA - 001 BANCO 001 S.A.
2022-02-05 22300.00 debit pix Pix enviado PIX ENVIADO - Cp :123456
2022-02-09 1000.00 debit pix Pix enviado PIX ENVIADO - Cp :789012