Bot for to translate Labels.
$ git clone
$ cd missingBot
$ mvn package
The executable .jar is located in the target/ directory.
Go to the directory where your executable .jar is located.
# url for the mappings wiki. Default:
# your mediawiki account with edit rights
# password for your mediawiki account
Your need edit rights.
$ java -jar missingBot-1.0.jar -help
This command will list all missing labels in english from the german mappings wiki.
$ java -jar missingBot-1.0.jar -list_missing -lang de
OntologyClass:Treadmill Treadmill
OntologyClass:Type Type
OntologyClass:VideogamesLeague videogames league
OntologyClass:VolleyballCoach volleyball coach
OntologyClass:VolleyballLeague volleyball league
Filtering by missing labels by label category.
Options: OntologyClass, OntologyProperty and Datatype
$ java -jar missingBot-1.0.jar -list_missing -lang de -f OntologyClass
$ java -jar missingBot-1.0.jar -lang de -t translation.txt
The translation.txt is tab seperated with three columns. The first column has the article title for the translation. The second column contains the english label and the third column contains your translation.
Note: Filering titles by category works too.
OntologyClass:Abbey abbey Abtei
OntologyClass:AdministrativeRegion administrative region Verwaltungsregion
OntologyClass:Agent agent Agent
OntologyClass:Altitude altitude Höhe
OntologyClass:AmateurBoxer amateur boxer Amateurboxer
The source code is under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.