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Site Theme

This is the theme of the AEM:Blueprint site template.

This theme can be modified to customize the visual appearance of sites created from the basic site template.


  • src/components: This is where the CSS/JS files live
  • src/resources: This is where images, fonts, etc live that need to go into your theme
  • src/site: These are site level CSS/JS that are loaded first within your bundled CSS/JS
  • src/template: These files are related to the style system and are used in conjunction with purgecss and tailwind's JIT mode
  • src/main.ts: This is the main entry point of your JS & CSS theme for webpack purposes.


This theme uses tailwind to manage the configuration for many site styles and options. You can customize the tailwind theme, as you need. But you will likely need to make updates to the style system to reflect that. The style system options for this theme are built with knowledge of the tailwind configurations. Which is why the style system allows for so much customization and configuration by authors.

If you are removing tailwind classes or configurations, be sure to coordinate with the site template authors to not remove needed classes.


  1. Initialize the project with following command executed at the theme root:
npm install
  1. Complete the .env file with credentials for the local proxy server to access the site created on Cloud Service.

  2. Run the local proxy server while working to preview your changes with the content from the production environment.

npm run live
  1. Once your work completed, check your changes into GitHub, and execute the deployment action on GitHub.

Update & Policy Style System

You will need to ensure you have the latest style system settings from the production environment to ensure the correct css is created. Tailwind's JIT mode combined with PurgeCSS will only output what is needed. It will look at the src/template/policies.json file to see what css classes are used within the style system policies. You can update this file by running npm run update for local development or npm run update:production for working with a cloud instance.


Deploying your code to AEM cloud instances requires some configuration on Github and in AEM. This guide will walk you through deploying your code to the configured cloud instance. The /theme folder referenced is the root folder if this file was downloaded via the 'theme-sources' option in AEM.

  1. From the /theme folder, run git init.

  2. Go to your Github account and create a new empty repository. Don't add any files.

  3. Back in your terminal, add the remote settings from the Github repository creation screen.

  4. Add your /theme files and commit them to the new master or main branch - whichever branch name you choose

  5. Push the main/master branch to Github

  6. In Github, go to your Developer Settings / Tokens page -

  7. Click on Generate new Personal Acces Token -

  8. Give the token a name - the site name is recommended - and approve access to repo and workflow. Copy the generated value. You will need this value in two places, so don't lose it. Perhaps save it temporarily in your .env file

  9. Now go to your repository secrets settings page -[profile]/[repository]/settings/secrets/actions

  10. Create three new secrets - GIT_TOKEN, AEM_URL, AEM_SITE

  11. The value of GIT_TOKEN is the Personal Access Token you've just created. You might want to save this in your .env file for safekeeping, or in your password manager of choice.

  12. The value of the AEM_URL secret is identical to the AEM_URL found in the .env file. You may have issues if you just try to copy the URL from the environment and don't include the port number. So make sure to check the .env file downloaded with the theme sources

  13. The value of the AEM_SITE secret is identical to the AEM_SITE found in the .env file

  14. Go to the AEM author environment and sign in. Navigate to the sites root - https://author-[environment]

  15. Use the keyboard shortcut Alt-4 to open the Site controls, alternatively open the dropdown menu in the top left to access the Site controls

  16. Select the checkbox of your site, you will see the Site controls menu propogate with two new options - Download Theme Sources and Update Github Settings. Click Update Github Settings. A modal should appear.

  17. Paste in the URL for your newly created Github repository

  18. Paste in the Personal Access Token you created earlier.

  19. Save and close

  20. Return to Github and navigate to the Actions tab -[profile]/[repo]/actions/workflows/deploy.yml

  21. Open the Run Workflow dropdwon and click Run Workflow. This will build the theme files and then deploy the build artifacts to your configured AEM environment.


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