Notable changes
Added support for custom frontend build commands
Automated process for updating scaffold files
Bug fixes to the deployment process
Bug fixes for Drupal VM integration
Merged pull requests since 8.1.0
August 4, 2016: Updating Drupal Console.
August 3, 2016: Updating deploy excludes.
August 4, 2016: Resolves #249: Adding yaml parser to git-commit hook.
July 21, 2016: Update
July 20, 2016: Removing undocumented bower dependency.
July 20, 2016: Issue 233: Removing --no-p option from rsync command in deploy:copy task
July 19, 2016: Remove scripts/drupal directory from blt/update-scaffold
July 19, 2016: Making security test failure more verbose.
July 18, 2016: Updating drupal-scaffold.
July 18, 2016: #227 Force certain directories when deploying to Acquia Cloud.
July 17, 2016: Update to fix typo
August 2, 2016: [console] Update Drupal Console to 1.0 ver.
July 15, 2016: Update includes.settings.php
July 8, 2016: Ignoring Behat tests with PHPCS, adding style-guide dir exemption.
July 8, 2016: Fixes #214: Fix default Drupal VM synced_folder path doc.
August 3, 2016: Don't overwrite local config files
July 6, 2016: Adding docroot to drush.wrapper.
June 30, 2016: Fixed dev env detection on ACSF.
June 29, 2016: Fix permission changes to default sites directory contents
June 28, 2016: Removing Icon from gitignore
August 3, 2016: Ignore custom theme node_modules folder
June 27, 2016: Language update
June 23, 2016: Fixing prompt for BLT alias.
June 23, 2016: Subversion needed for ./ blt:update in VM
June 23, 2016: Fixing up drush.wrapper.
June 22, 2016: Update composer.json
June 22, 2016: Correctly detect environments on ACSF.
June 22, 2016: Adding support for custom commands in frontend and setup targets.
June 21, 2016: Revert "Adding support for custom commands in frontend and setup targets."
June 21, 2016: Adding support for custom commands in frontend and setup targets.
June 21, 2016: Adding composer validation early in Travis build.
June 21, 2016: Support composer patches.
June 21, 2016: Adding more excludes for deployments.
June 21, 2016: Adding docs for using local patches.
June 21, 2016: Update
June 21, 2016: Composer install should fail on bad patches.
June 21, 2016: Provide temp files location in default local settings.
June 20, 2016: Adding install-phantomjs script for composer.
June 20, 2016: Ensuring that project.local.yml overrides core yml values.
June 27, 2016: Minor Typo fix and updating default selenium port
June 17, 2016: Update
June 16, 2016: Tweaking deploy excludes.
June 16, 2016: Updated update scaffold.
June 16, 2016: Defining custom docroot for Drupal VM in project.local.yml.
June 16, 2016: Clarifying load test environments
June 16, 2016: Resolves #166: Speed up GitTest commit-msg checks.
June 17, 2016: Removing :artifact from deploy targets.
June 16, 2016: Allow project.local.yml for different local environments.
June 27, 2016: Make project description configurable.
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