A out-of-the-box starter kit for https://github.com/sqrthree/vuepress-theme-api.
There are some global dependencies you need to set up.
$ git clone https://github.com/sqrthree/vuepress-theme-api-starter-kit.git
$ cd vuepress-theme-api-starter-kit
$ yarn # OR npm install
# Install vuepress
yarn global add vuepress # OR npm install -g vuepress
# Install theme
yarn global add vuepress-theme-api # OR npm install -g vuepress-theme-api
# Create a markdown file and write something
echo '# Hello, World.' > docs/Hello.md
# Start writing
vuepress dev docs # OR yarn run docs:dev OR npm run docs:dev
# Build to static files
vuepress build docs # OR yarn run docs:build OR npm run docs:build
# Static server
yarn run docs:serve # OR npm run docs:serve
See vuepress-theme-api to get more details.
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