My DOOM emacs configuration.
The files provided are just what is required to replicate my DOOM emacs setup, modulo hard-coded paths that would otherwise cause an error if you copy it verbatim.
You can read the config.el
with outline-minor-mode
, navigate up/down using C-c @ C-p/C-n
(use the repeat map with repeat-mode
for the health of your hands, please).
The config is organized roughly by packages and/or groups of packages that go together.
The config attempts to use ‘idiomatic’ DOOM-isms, such as after!, add-hook!, setq!
, etc.
Most of these functions are for convenience, and have close siblings in vanilla emacs.
If you choose to use this config as a starting point, that’s great! Though, it’s probably less organized than some of the literate configs you’ll certainly find out there; I haven’t optimized it for public consumption.
Happy hacking!