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Historian is a screenshot utility mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds fully configurable and dynamic captions and overlay graphics to screenshots to better describe the context of screenshots and record your Kerbal adventures.

Extended development version by Aelfhe1m


  1. Download the latest version of Historian from either Kerbal Stuff or GitHub.
  2. Extract the archive into your KSP installation folder, and overwrite all existing files.
  3. Enjoy!


You can open the Historian configuration window by using either the stock application launcher, or Blizzy's Toolbar.

  • Suppressed: When suppressed, Historian will not display the overlay when taking screenshots. As of version 1.1.0, you can also right click on Blizzy's Toolbar button to toggle this option without having to open the configuration window.
  • Always Active: If this is turned on, the overlay will always show on top of the game. This is useful when editting layouts.
  • Load: Reloads all layouts while the game is running.
  • Save: Saves the current layout as the default layout (selected automatically everytime you launch KSP).

Press the configuration window again to close the configuration window. Note that the configuration window shows up even if you have GUI disabled using the 'F2' key. This is intentional to allow layout editting while the game GUI is off.


All Historian layout files must be located inside <KSP Root>/GameData/KSEA/Historian/Layouts folder, and must have a *.layout extension to be recognized by Historian. Even though the files have a *.layout extension, they follow the same syntax as KSP's *.cfg files. This is to prevent the game from loading them into the database by default. You can edit these files using your favorite text editor.

The following documentations assumes that you have a basic knowledge about KSP's configuration file syntax. To create a new layout, simply create a new empty text file and call it <Layout Name>.layout. Make sure the file has a *.layout extension. To modify a layout, simply open it in any text editor.

All layouts have a root node defined by KSEA_HISTORIAN_LAYOUT. Inside this node, you can define your elements. Elements are the basic building blocks of a layout. Each layout has a number of elements, rendered in the order defined (this is useful to remember if you plan on layering the elements). Each element is defined by a configuration node and has a few properties that determine the element's behaviour.


The following element types are currently supported by Historian:

  • RECTANGLE Draws a simple 2D rectangle with a solid color on the screen.
  • TEXT Draws some text on the screen. Supports rich text and value placeholders.
  • PICTURE Renders a 2D image onto the screen.
  • FLAG Renders the current mission's flag onto the screen.
  • SITUATION_TEXT Selects a different text to display based on flight situation and renders it on the screen much like TEXT.
Common Properties

Each element has the following common properties:

  • Anchor Anchor of the element, relative to itself, expressed as a 2D vector. Default: 0.0,0.0
  • Position Anchored position of the element, relative to the screen, expressed as a 2D vector. Default: 0.0,0.0
  • Size Width and height of the element, relative to the screen, expressed as a 2D vector. Default: 0.0,0.0

Note that all properties are expressed in relative percentage values. For example, Anchor = 0.5,0.5 means the center of the element, Position = 0.5,0.0 means top center of the screen, and Size = 1.0,1.0 means the entire size of the screen.

In addition to these properties, each element may have a few additional properties:


A RECTANGLE fills a rectangular area of the screen with a solid color. You can use semi-transparent colors.

  • Color The color of the rectangular area, expressed in RGBA values. Default: 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

A TEXT element renders a string of text.

  • Text Value of the text that is to be displayed. Supports rich text and placeholder values. Default: Empty
  • TextAnchor Alignment of the text relative to the bounds of the element. Supports any one of these values: UpperLeft, UpperCenter, UpperRight, MiddleLeft,MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, LowerLeft, LowerCenter, and LowerRight. Default: MiddleCenter
  • FontSize Size of the font. Note that rich text format specifiers can override this. Default: 10
  • FontStyle Style of the font. Supports any one of these values: Normal, Bold, Italic, and BoldAndItalic. Note that rich text format specifiers can override this. Default: Normal
  • Color Color of the font. Note that rich text format specifiers can override this. Default: 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0
  • BaseYear Offset added to year values and formatted dates. Default: 1 (Kerbin CalendarMode) or 1940 (Earth CalendarMode)
  • DateFormat A C# format string for the element. Example: dd/MM/yyyy for UK style short date. Default: CurrentCulture.LongDatePattern
  • PilotColor Unity richtext color to apply to pilot names in or elements. Default: clear
  • EngineerColor Unity richtext color to apply to engineer names in or elements. Default: clear
  • ScientistColor Unity richtext color to apply to scientist names in or elements. Default: clear
  • TouristColor Unity richtext color to apply to tourist names in or elements. Default: clear

Refer to Unity's Manual for details on Rich Text formatting syntax.

The following pre-defined placeholder values can be used inside a text element. These placeholders will be replaced with their corresponding values when a screenshot is taken.

  • <N> Inserts a new line.
  • <Date> Formatted date string. Standard Earth calendar dates if game settings is Earth time (24 hour days). "Fake" Kerbin dates based on 12 alternating 35 and 36 day months and six day week if game settings is Kerbin time (6 hour days). e.g. Wednesday 13 January 2016 or Esant 06 Trenam 001. NOTE: Kerbin day and month names are currently hardcoded (see below for list) but will be customisable in a future release.
  • <UT> KSP Universal Time. Example: Y12, D29, 2:02:12
  • <Year> Current year in chosen CalendarMode
  • <Day> Current day in chosen CalendarMode
  • <Hour> Current hour in chosen CalendarMode
  • <Minute> Current minute in chosen CalendarMode
  • <Second> Current second in chosen CalendarMode
  • <T+> Current mission time for the active vessel, in chosen CalendarMode (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: T+ 2y, 23d, 02:04:12
  • <Vessel> Name of the active vessel or Kerbal (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: Jebediah Kerman, Kerbal X
  • <Body> Name of the main body (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: Kerbin
  • <Situation> Current situation of the active vessel (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: Flying, Orbiting
  • <Biome> Current biome of the active vessel based on its location (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: Shores
  • <Latitude> Latitude of the active vessel relative to the main body (Only available in Flight Mode)
  • <Longitude> Longitude of the active vessel relative to the main body (Only available in Flight Mode)
  • <Altitude> Altitude of the active vessel relative to the sea level of the main body in the most appropriate unit (Only available in Flight Mode). The unit is also included as of version 1.0.1.
  • <Mach> The current Mach number of the active vessel (Only available in Flight Mode).
  • <Heading> The current compass heading of the active vessel (Only available in Flight Mode).
  • <LandingZone> The name of the current location the vessel is landed at (Only available in Flight Mode). Example: Launchpad
  • <Speed> Surface speed of the active vessel in the most appropriate unit (Only available in Flight Mode). The unit is also included as of version 1.0.1.
  • <Ap> Apoapsis of current orbit (or sub-orbital trajectory) including unit.
  • <Pe> Periapsis of current orbit (or sub-orbital trajectory) including unit.
  • <Inc> Inclination of current orbit including ° symbol.
  • <LAN> Longtitude of Ascending Node including ° symbol.
  • <ArgPe> Argument of Periapsis including ° symbol.
  • <Ecc> Eccentricity to 3 decimal places.
  • <Period> Orbital period.
  • <Orbit> Shorthand for <Ap> x <Pe>: Example 120.7 km x 91.3 km.
  • <Crew> Name of all the crew members, separated by commas, on the active vessel (Only available in Flight Mode). If the vessel is a probe, it will display "Unmanned". If the vessel is space debris, it will display "N/A". Example: Jebediah Kerman, Bill Kerman
  • <CrewShort> Same as above but assumes all crew members have last name of Kerman and only displays it once at end of list. Example: Jebediah, Bill, Bob Kerman
  • <Pilots> List of just the pilots in the current vessel's crew.
  • <Engineers> List of just the engineers in the current vessel's crew.
  • <Scientists> List of just the scientists in the current vessel's crew.
  • <Tourists> List of just the tourists in the current vessel's crew.
  • <PilotsList>, <EngineersList>, <ScientistsList>, <ToursistsList> As above but formatted as a vertical bullet list of names rather than comma separated.
  • <Custom> The current value of the Custom Text. You can set this value using the configuration window. If custom text is not persistent (default), it will be cleared after the next screenshot.

Note that all placeholder values are case-sensitive.

Situation Text

A SITUATION_TEXT element behaves similar to the TEXT element. It has all of its properties except Text. Instead, it has the following additional properties, each corresponding to a different flight situation:

  • Default Used when no flight situation is available.
  • Landed Used when the vessel is landed.
  • Splashed Used when the vessel is splashed in water.
  • Prelaunch Used when the vessel is on the launchpad.
  • Flying Used when the vessel is flying in atmosphere.
  • SubOrbital Used when the vessel is in a sub-orbital trajectory.
  • Orbiting Used when the vessel is orbiting a body.
  • Escaping Used when the vessel is escaping from a body.
  • Docked Used when the vessel is docked to another.

When a screen shot is taken, the SITUATION_TEXT element uses only one of the above values for its text, depending on the situation. This is useful for making more descriptive captions such as: Landed on <Body>'s <LandingZone> or Flying at Mach <Mach> (<Speed>) <Altitude> over <Body>'s <Biome>.

Note that just like TEXT, SITUATION_TEXT also supports rich text and placeholder values.


A PICTURE element renders a static 2D texture onto the screen. To save KSP memory usage, you can use any of the pre-loaded textures, such as missions flags, agency flags, or even part textures. You can also use any other custom texture as long as the path to your image is valid. Vintage border effects, anyone? ;)

  • Texture Path to the image file, relative to the GameData directory. Example: Squad/Flags/default
  • Scale Scale of the image relative to itself. For example, a value of 2.0,2.0 doubles the size of the texture, while maintaining the aspect ratio. Default: 1.0,1.0

If a Size property is not defined (or if the size is a zero vector), the size of the image is used automatically. Otherwise it denotes the size of the image relative to screen dimensions. For example, a value of 1.0,1.0 ensures the image takes up the size of the entire screen. Default: 0.0,0.0


A FLAG element can be used to render the current mission's flag onto the screen. It behaves very much like a PICTURE otherwise.

  • DefaultTexture Path to a default image file to show if no flag can be determined for the active vessel, or if there is no active vessel. Example: Squad/Flags/default
  • Scale Scale of the image relative to itself. For example, a value of 2.0,2.0 doubles the size of the texture, while maintaining the aspect ratio. Default: 1.0,1.0

If a Size property is not defined (or if the size is a zero vector), the size of the image is used automatically. Otherwise it denotes the size of the image relative to screen dimensions. For example, a value of 1.0,1.0 ensures the image takes up the size of the entire screen. Default: 0.0,0.0

Kerbin days and months.

The included Kerbin calendar formatter uses the following day and month names. Odd numbered months have 35 days and even numbered months have 36 days.

Days: Akant, Brant, Casant, Dovant, Esant, Flant (Note: first letter is A,B,...F)

Months: Unnam, Dosnam, Trenam, Cuatnam, Cinqnam, Seinam, Sietnam, Ocnam, Nuevnam, Diznam, Oncnam, Docenam (Note: mangled Spanish ("Spangled") numbers with "nam" suffix)

Sample Configuration

Below, you can find an example of a default layout:

    Name = Default
        Anchor = 0.0,0.5
        Size = 1.0,0.125
        Position = 0.0,0.85
        Color = 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5

        Anchor = 0.5,0.5
        Position = 0.1,0.85
        Scale = 1,1
        DefaultTexture = Squad/Flags/default

        Anchor = 0.0,0.5
        Position = 0.25,0.85
        Size = 0.5,0.1
        Color = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0
        Text = <size=22><b><Vessel></b></size><N><size=8><N></size><b><UT></b> (<T+>)<N><size=12><Situation> @ <Body> (<Biome>, <Latitude>° <Longitude>°) </size>
        TextAnchor = MiddleLeft
        FontSize = 12
        FontStyle = Normal

This layout would produce screenshots that looks like this:


Small utility for adding information to KSP screenshots







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