├── cem.py # Source code for simple Cross Entropy Method (pytorch version)
├── ces.py # Source code for Canonical Evolution Strategy
├── cmrl.py # Source code for Canonical Memetic Reinforcement Learning
├── cmaes.py # Source code for Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
├── cmamrl.py # Source code for Covariance Matrix Adaptation Memetic Reinforcement Learning
├── train.py # Main script for training
└── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
In your own conda env, try this:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All 4 algorithms are provided in separate files with respective name. To run each algorithm, import the appropriate .py file, create an Agent object and run via the train method.
A simple example of solving the CartPole-v1 environment using the CES algorithm:
>>> from ces import *
>>> agent = CESAgent("CartPole-v1")
>>> agent.train(100)
>>> agent.save_model()
In this work, each algorithm is run 100 times with different environment seed. This can be achived using the snippet:
# Solving the CartPole-v1 environment using CES algorithm with 30 different seeds
>>> from ces import *
>>> for seed in range(30):
>>> agent = CESAgent("CartPole-v1", env_seed = seed)
>>> agent.train(100)
>>> agent.save_model()
Using CEM to solve CartPole-v0
After learning, a model weights can be saved using the save_model method. A learnt model can be tested using the load_model and test methods.
>>> from ces import *
>>> agent = CESAgent("CartPole-v1")
>>> agent.load_model("CES-CartPole-v1-seed-0-weights")
>>> agent.test(num_test = 3)