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alexAubin committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent fd577a0 commit 2b651cf
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Showing 3 changed files with 68 additions and 62 deletions.
32 changes: 8 additions & 24 deletions helpers/helpers.v1.d/permission
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Create a new permission for the app
# Example 1: `ynh_permission_create --permission=admin --url=/admin --additional_urls=domain.tld/admin /superadmin --allowed=alice bob \
# --label="My app admin" --show_tile=true`
# --show_tile=true`
# This example will create a new permission permission with this following effect:
# - A tile named "My app admin" in the SSO will be available for the users alice and bob. This tile will point to the relative url '/admin'.
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# Example 2:
# ynh_permission_create --permission=api --url=domain.tld/api --auth_header=false --allowed=visitors \
# --label="MyApp API" --protected=true
# --protected=true
# This example will create a new protected permission. So the admin won't be able to add/remove the visitors group of this permission.
# In case of an API with need to be always public it avoid that the admin break anything.
Expand All @@ -25,14 +25,13 @@
# usage: ynh_permission_create --permission="permission" [--url="url"] [--additional_urls="second-url" [ "third-url" ]] [--auth_header=true|false]
# [--allowed=group1 [ group2 ]] [--label="label"] [--show_tile=true|false]
# [--allowed=group1 [ group2 ]] [--show_tile=true|false]
# [--protected=true|false]
# | arg: -p, --permission= - the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" already exist)
# | arg: -u, --url= - (optional) URL for which access will be allowed/forbidden. Note that if 'show_tile' is enabled, this URL will be the URL of the tile.
# | arg: -A, --additional_urls= - (optional) List of additional URL for which access will be allowed/forbidden
# | arg: -h, --auth_header= - (optional) Define for the URL of this permission, if SSOwat pass the authentication header to the application. Default is true
# | arg: -a, --allowed= - (optional) A list of group/user to allow for the permission
# | arg: -l, --label= - (optional) Define a name for the permission. This label will be shown on the SSO and in the admin. Default is "APP_LABEL (permission name)".
# | arg: -t, --show_tile= - (optional) Define if a tile will be shown in the SSO. If yes the name of the tile will be the 'label' parameter. Defaults to false for the permission different than 'main'.
# | arg: -P, --protected= - (optional) Define if this permission is protected. If it is protected the administrator won't be able to add or remove the visitors group of this permission. Defaults to 'false'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,21 +65,19 @@
ynh_permission_create() {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=puAhaltP
local -A args_array=([p]=permission= [u]=url= [A]=additional_urls= [h]=auth_header= [a]=allowed= [l]=label= [t]=show_tile= [P]=protected=)
local -A args_array=([p]=permission= [u]=url= [A]=additional_urls= [h]=auth_header= [a]=allowed= [t]=show_tile= [P]=protected=)
local permission
local url
local additional_urls
local auth_header
local allowed
local label
local show_tile
local protected
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,12 +113,6 @@ ynh_permission_create() {

if [[ -n ${label:-} ]]; then

if [[ -n ${show_tile:-} ]]; then
if [ $show_tile == "true" ]; then
Expand All @@ -138,7 +129,7 @@ ynh_permission_create() {

yunohost tools shell -c "from yunohost.permission import permission_create; permission_create('$app.$permission' $url $additional_urls $auth_header $allowed $label $show_tile $protected)"
yunohost tools shell -c "from yunohost.permission import permission_create; permission_create('$app.$permission' $url $additional_urls $auth_header $allowed $show_tile $protected)"

# Remove a permission for the app (note that when the app is removed all permission is automatically removed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,29 +239,26 @@ ynh_permission_url() {
# Update a permission for the app
# usage: ynh_permission_update --permission "permission" [--add="group" ["group" ...]] [--remove="group" ["group" ...]]
# [--label="label"] [--show_tile=true|false] [--protected=true|false]
# [--show_tile=true|false] [--protected=true|false]
# | arg: -p, --permission= - the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" already exist)
# | arg: -a, --add= - the list of group or users to enable add to the permission
# | arg: -r, --remove= - the list of group or users to remove from the permission
# | arg: -l, --label= - (optional) Define a name for the permission. This label will be shown on the SSO and in the admin.
# | arg: -t, --show_tile= - (optional) Define if a tile will be shown in the SSO
# | arg: -P, --protected= - (optional) Define if this permission is protected. If it is protected the administrator won't be able to add or remove the visitors group of this permission.
# Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
ynh_permission_update() {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=parltP
local -A args_array=([p]=permission= [a]=add= [r]=remove= [l]=label= [t]=show_tile= [P]=protected=)
local -A args_array=([p]=permission= [a]=add= [r]=remove= [t]=show_tile= [P]=protected=)
local permission
local add
local remove
local label
local show_tile
local protected
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"

Expand All @@ -293,10 +281,6 @@ ynh_permission_update() {

if [[ -n $label ]]; then

if [[ -n $show_tile ]]; then
if [ $show_tile == "true" ]; then
Expand All @@ -313,7 +297,7 @@ ynh_permission_update() {

yunohost tools shell -c "from yunohost.permission import user_permission_update; user_permission_update('$app.$permission' $add $remove $label $show_tile $protected , force=True)"
yunohost tools shell -c "from yunohost.permission import user_permission_update; user_permission_update('$app.$permission' $add $remove $show_tile $protected , force=True)"

# Check if a permission has an user
Expand Down
91 changes: 56 additions & 35 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ def permission_create(

new_permission = _update_ldap_group_permission(
allowed=allowed or [],

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,23 +511,23 @@ def permission_url(
app_main_path = domain + path

# Fetch existing permission
update_settings = {}
existing_permission = app_setting(app, "_permissions") or {}
if sub_permission not in existing_permission:
existing_permission[sub_permission] = {}
existing_permission = existing_permission[sub_permission]

existing_permission = user_permission_info(permission)

show_tile = existing_permission["show_tile"]

if url is None:
url = existing_permission["url"]
if url is not None:
url = _validate_and_sanitize_permission_url(url, app_main_path, app)
update_settings["url"] = url

if url.startswith("re:") and existing_permission["show_tile"]:
if url.startswith("re:") and existing_permission.get("show_tile"):
m18n.n("regex_incompatible_with_tile", regex=url, permission=permission)
show_tile = False
update_settings["show_tile"] = False

current_additional_urls = existing_permission["additional_urls"]
current_additional_urls = existing_permission.get("additional_urls", [])
new_additional_urls = copy.copy(current_additional_urls)

if add_url:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,32 +556,27 @@ def permission_url(
if set_url:
new_additional_urls = set_url

if auth_header is None:
auth_header = existing_permission["auth_header"]
# Guarantee uniqueness of all values, which would otherwise make ldap.update angry.
update_settings["additional_urls"] = list(set(new_additional_urls))

if clear_urls:
url = None
new_additional_urls = []
show_tile = False
if auth_header is not None:
update_settings["auth_header"] = auth_header

# Guarantee uniqueness of all values, which would otherwise make ldap.update angry.
new_additional_urls = set(new_additional_urls)
if clear_urls:
update_settings["url"] = None
update_settings["additional_urls"] = []
update_settings["show_tile"] = False

# Actually commit the change

operation_logger.related_to.append(("app", app))

perm_settings = app_setting(app, "_permissions") or {}
if sub_permission not in perm_settings:
perm_settings[sub_permission] = {}
"url": url,
"additional_urls": list(new_additional_urls),
"auth_header": auth_header,
"show_tile": show_tile,

app_setting(app, "_permissions", perm_settings)
except Exception as e:
raise YunohostError("permission_update_failed", permission=permission, error=e)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -610,6 +605,7 @@ def permission_delete(operation_logger, permission, force=False, sync_perm=True)
raise YunohostValidationError("permission_cannot_remove_main")

from yunohost.utils.ldap import _get_ldap_interface
from import app_setting, _is_installed

ldap = _get_ldap_interface()

Expand All @@ -629,6 +625,13 @@ def permission_delete(operation_logger, permission, force=False, sync_perm=True)
"permission_deletion_failed", permission=permission, error=e

app, subperm = permission.split(".")
if _is_installed(app):
perm_settings = app_setting(app, "_permissions") or {}
if subperm in perm_settings:
del perm_settings[subperm]
app_setting(app, "_permissions", perm_settings)

if sync_perm:
logger.debug(m18n.n("permission_deleted", permission=permission))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,6 +704,9 @@ def _update_app_permission_setting(permission, label=None, show_tile=None, prote

app, sub_permission = permission.split(".")
update_settings = {}
perm_settings = app_setting(app, "_permissions") or {}
if sub_permission not in perm_settings:
perm_settings[sub_permission] = {}

if app in SYSTEM_PERMS:
logger.warning(f"Can't change label / show_tile / protected for system permission {permission}")
Expand All @@ -713,17 +719,18 @@ def _update_app_permission_setting(permission, label=None, show_tile=None, prote
update_settings["protected"] = protected

if show_tile is not None:
existing_permission = user_permission_info(permission)
update_settings["show_tile"] = show_tile
existing_permission_url = perm_settings[sub_permission].get("url")
if show_tile is True:
if not existing_permission["url"]:
if not existing_permission_url:
update_settings["show_tile"] = False
elif existing_permission["url"].startswith("re:"):
elif existing_permission_url.startswith("re:"):
m18n.n("show_tile_cant_be_enabled_for_regex", permission=permission)
Expand All @@ -733,9 +740,6 @@ def _update_app_permission_setting(permission, label=None, show_tile=None, prote
label = update_settings.pop("label")
app_setting(app, "label", label)

perm_settings = app_setting(app, "_permissions") or {}
if sub_permission not in perm_settings:
perm_settings[sub_permission] = {}
app_setting(app, "_permissions", perm_settings)

Expand All @@ -756,20 +760,37 @@ def _update_ldap_group_permission(permission, allowed, sync_perm=True):

from yunohost.hook import hook_callback
from yunohost.utils.ldap import _get_ldap_interface
from yunohost.utils.ldap import _get_ldap_interface, _ldap_path_extract

ldap = _get_ldap_interface()
app, sub_permission = permission.split(".")
update_ldap = {}

existing_permission = user_permission_info(permission)
# NB: this must be fetched *BEFORE* we modifiy the perm
existing_permission =
if existing_permission:
existing_permission = existing_permission[0]
logger.warning(f"Trying to update unknown permission {permission}")
return {}

existing_permission["allowed"] = [_ldap_path_extract(p, "cn") for p in existing_permission.get("groupPermission", [])]
existing_permission["corresponding_users"] = [_ldap_path_extract(p, "uid") for p in existing_permission.get("inheritPermission", [])]

assert isinstance(allowed, list) or isinstance(allowed, str)
allowed = [allowed] if not isinstance(allowed, list) else allowed
# Guarantee uniqueness of values in allowed, which would otherwise make ldap.update angry.
allowed = set(allowed)
update_ldap["groupPermission"] = [
"cn=" + g + ",ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org" for g in allowed
f"cn={g},ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org" for g in allowed

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ def test_permission_list():

def test_permission_create_main():
with message("permission_created", permission="site.main"):
permission_create("site.main", allowed=["all_users"], protected=False)
_permission_create_with_dummy_app("site.main", allowed=["all_users"], protected=False)

res = user_permission_list(full=True)["permissions"]
assert "site.main" in res
Expand All @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ def test_permission_create_main():

def test_permission_create_extra():
with message("permission_created", permission="site.test"):
_permission_create_with_dummy_app("site.test", protected=None)

res = user_permission_list(full=True)["permissions"]
assert "site.test" in res
Expand All @@ -463,7 +463,8 @@ def test_permission_create_extra():

def test_permission_create_with_specific_user():
permission_create("site.test", allowed=["alice"])
with message("permission_created", permission="site.test"):
_permission_create_with_dummy_app("site.test", allowed=["alice"])

res = user_permission_list(full=True)["permissions"]
assert "site.test" in res
Expand Down

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