This repository contains an environment for simulating a quadruped robot.
Recommend using a virtualenv (or conda) with python3.6 or higher. After installing virtualenv with pip, this can be done as follows:
virtualenv {quad_env, or choose another name venv_name} --python=python3
To activate the virtualenv:
source {PATH_TO_VENV}/bin/activate
Your command prompt should now look like:
(venv_name) user@pc:path$
The repository depends on recent versions of pybullet, gym, numpy, stable-baselines3, matplotlib, etc., pip install [PACKAGE]
- env for the quadruped environment files, please see the gym simulation environment, the robot specific functionalities in, and config variables in You will need to make edits in, and review carefully for accessing robot states and calling functions to solve inverse kinematics, return the leg Jacobian, etc.
- a1_description contains the robot mesh files and urdf.
- utils for some file i/o and plotting helpers.
- provides a CPG class skeleton for various gaits, and maps these joint commands to be executed on an instance of the quadruped_gym_env class. Please fill in these files carefully.
- and provide an interface to training RL algorithms based on stable-baselines3. You should review the documentation carefully for information on the different algorithms and training hyperparameters.
- The PyBullet Quickstart Guide is the current up-to-date documentation for interfacing with the simulation.
- The quadruped environment took inspiration from Google's motion-imitation repository based on this paper.
- Reinforcement learning algorithms from stable-baselines3. Also see for example ray[rllib] and spinningup.
The CPG and RL framework are based on the following papers:
- G. Bellegarda and A. Ijspeert, "CPG-RL: Learning Central Pattern Generators for Quadruped Locomotion," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3218167. IEEE, arxiv
- G. Bellegarda, Y. Chen, Z. Liu, and Q. Nguyen, "Robust High-speed Running for Quadruped Robots via Deep Reinforcement Learning," in 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022. arxiv
- If your simulation is very slow, remove the calls to time.sleep() and disable the camera resets in
- The camera viewer can be modified in
in to track the hopper.