A PyTorch implementation of 3D GANs
In this implementation aims to build general framework for 3D-GANs using Pytorch, I have implemented or will implement several Genertators,Discriminators and losses.
The basics model is SRGAN, which is a super resolution network originally publish in Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network
You can used python pretrain.py
to pretrain the genertator. This file can also use to do super resolution without GAN.
run python train.py
and python test.py
The adjustable parameter is write in ./options
You must specify --img_width
according to your dataset.
The folder structure is below:
├── datasets
├ ├── train
├ ├── test
├── option.py
├── train.py
├── test.py
├── pretrain.py
├── models
├── utils
├── data
Your own datasets need to be put into datasets/train
and datasets/test
Dataset in this implementation using Iseg, nibabel.load(image_file)
is used to load the image_file
. If your data format is different, you may need to rewrite the CustomDataset
in data/customdataset
NOTE: You may need to rewrite a normalize method according to the mean and variance of your data set.
- √ ResnetGenertator
- × 3DUnet
- × ResUnet
- Patch GAN
- Pixel GAN
- Gradient difference Loss
- ...
High resolution / Low resolution
Genertated with GAN / Genertated with CNN