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Xeno edited this page Aug 3, 2022 · 7 revisions


Can I add my/someone else's homebrew/custom features/hacks to the bot?

Not at this time, but with the new 2.0 release the bot is very close to allowing custom assets/oracles to being included as a user manageable feature

Can you (re)add a feature?

Yes (probably). If it's not already planned I'll try and add it to the schedule, if it is already planned knowing that people want it will help me prioritize what features to add. Post a comment to let me know.

What happened to the help command?

I don't feel like it's really needed anymore with slash commands. An "about" command might be added at some point.

Can I get an option added to the default search results for oracles/moves?

Yes! It has been challenging to select the most common options for oracles/moves, so any input on what to include would be appreciated.

How do I run the bot on my own machine?

  1. Clone the git repo
  2. Build using dotnet build or visual studio
  3. Install and configure a PostgreSQL Server a. Create a new database and db user for the bot to use b. Create a database settings file named dbSettings.json in your bot's bin folder so the bot knows how to connect. It should have a structure similar to this:
    "dbConnectionStringWithPort":"host= port=5432 dbname=NameOfDbYouCreated connect_timeout=10 user=BotDbUser",
  1. Get a discord bot token from the discord developer portal
  2. Start the bot server, paste your token when prompted. (If you need to change the token it's stored in the token.json file in your server's folder)
  3. Join your bot to a discord server