This code was developed for use with Linux operating systems.
The code depends on a number of third-party libraries:
- C++ compiler
- MPI (recommended: MPICH2)
- bootstrap
- armadillo
- optional: Doxygen
- optional: matplotlib (recommended: version >= 1.5.2)
To install bootstrap and armadillo, we recommend using SPACK, since SPACK will install all dependencies (blas, lapack, etc.).
default : builds the default binary
doxygen : generates the Doxygen source code documentation
load-packages : loads the recommended libraries using SPACK
unload-packages : unloads the recommended libraries using SPACK
tests : run tests to check consistency of bounds (runtime: approx. 30 minutes)
tests-small : run small subset of tests to check consistency of bounds (runtime: approx. 3 minutes)
Doxygen is used to automatically generate source code documentation. See doc/doxygen/html/index.html
See the XBraid-convergence-est Wiki pages for more details.
XBraid-convergence-est is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). Users may choose either license, at their option.
All new contributions must be made under both the MIT and Apache-2.0 licenses.