A template for creating a WorldWindJS web app with Bootstrap and Knockout. Check out the demo.
This project template lets you quickly build a WorldWind web app using the community supported WorldWindJS library with Bootstrap and KnockoutJS. You will build a feature-rich, responsive, customizable web app ready to be deployed to your site. This template includes:
- Initializing WorldWind with 3D globes and/or 2D maps
- Configuring and managing layers and settings
- Place name searches and geocoding
- Creating placemarks (markers)
- Going to locations
- Multi-globe support
Do you want to start developing right away?
- Fork/clone this project or (download the source)
- Enable GitHub Pages within your repo's settings and set it to publish from the master branch
- View your project on the web at https://<user-name>.github.io/<repo-name>, for example: https://worldwindearth.github.io/worldwind-web-app
View the tutorial "How to Build a WorldWind Web App"
Are you interested in building a WorldWind web app using React? Check out the WorldWind React project.