Users connect over SSH to the server. Each new connection to a user beginning with bash creates a new container from the named image and redirects the shell into the container. Containers are automatically destroyed when the user logs out.
Each level is a separate folder or git repo. The folder contains a dockerfile, a tag file, an info file and a readme.
The tag file contains the username to be used for the challenge.
The info file is echoed to the terminal when a user connects as the challenge user
The dockerfile follows the form:
FROM <base-image>
ARG flag0=flag
ARG chal_user=bash
RUN adduser --gecos "" --disabled-password $chal_user
WORKDIR /home/$chal_user
# place this flag where it is wanted
RUN echo "flag{$flag0}" > flag.txt
# insert an embedded flag
# RUN sed -i "s/flag{}/flag{$flag0}/" flag.txt
# set the command to run at container start (generally a shell)
CMD bash
Flags and passwords are then set at build time.
Build each challenge using:
cd bash0
chal_make <challenge-password> <flag-value> [<flag-value> ..]
sudo systemctl reload ssh
# restart your session to apply groups