Flow PHP ETL is a simple ETL (Extract Transform Load) abstraction designed to implement Filters & Pipes architecture.
- Sync data from external systems (API)
- File processing
- Pushing data to external systems
- Data migrations
Using this library makes sense when we need to move data from one place to another, doing some transformations in between.
For example, let's say we must synchronize data from external API periodically, transform them into our internal data structure, filter out things that didn't change, and load in bulk into the database.
This is a perfect scenario for ETL.
- Low memory consumption even when processing thousands of records
- Type safe Rows/Row/Entry abstractions
- Filtering
- Grouping
- Built in Rows objects comparison
- Rich collection of Entry implementations
composer require flow-php/etl:1.x@dev
use Flow\ETL\ETL;
use Flow\ETL\Extractor;
use Flow\ETL\Loader;
use Flow\ETL\Row;
use Flow\ETL\Rows;
use Flow\ETL\Transformer;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$extractor = new class implements Extractor {
public function extract(): Generator
yield new Rows(
new Row\Entry\JsonEntry('user', ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Norbret', 'roles' => ['DEVELOPER', 'ADMIN']])
$transformer = new class implements Transformer {
public function transform(Rows $rows): Rows
return $rows->map(function (Row $row): Row {
$dataArray = \json_decode($row->get('user')->value(), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
return Row::create(
new Row\Entry\IntegerEntry('id', $dataArray['id']),
new Row\Entry\StringEntry('name', $dataArray['name']),
new Row\Entry\ArrayEntry('roles', $dataArray['roles'])
$loader = new class implements Loader {
public function load(Rows $rows): void