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First WeakAuras Art Contest

Benjamin Staneck edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 19 revisions

The Contest is now over! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Announcing the first WeakAuras Art Contest

With Battle for Azeroth on the horizon, the WeakAuras team is running the first ever Art Contest for WeakAuras to update our built-in textures and sounds for the new expansion set.

We aren't looking for artistic masterpieces, but ones to extend our default selection of useful textures and sounds. The artwork should be useful in the context of how WeakAuras is used.

  • For example, sounds are mostly used for notifications, thus short but distinct sounds probably work best.
  • For Textures, those are mostly used to show some progress, which can be either horizontal/vertical or circular.

You can submit any textures, sounds or even stop motion textures.

Do note a few rules:

  • The artwork needs to be your own. (It doesn't need to be created specifically for the contest, but you do need to be the copyright holder.)
  • The submission period ends on August 31th, 2018.
  • You can submit your artwork for inclusion into WeakAuras in the special art contest channel on the Official WeakAuras Discord.
  • The jury will be recruited from the WeakAuras Discord mod team and will vote on the top artwork.


  • 10 Amazon €/$/£ 20 Gift Cards distributed among all artwork.
  • 10 lifetime premium subscriptions.

If we like your submission, we'll add it to WeakAuras:

  • This does not imply winning a Amazon Gift Card.
  • Your artwork will be released under the license of WeakAuras, which is the GPL v2. The GPLv2 is a open source license, which with certain restrictions allows anyone to reuse any parts of WeakAuras.
  • You retain the copyright to your work.
  • We'll credit you with your submission inside the WeakAuras source.

We'll celebrate the best submissions and their creators on our Twitter and Discord.