My personal development docker container base image
sudo apt update && apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install pipx
~/.local/bin/pipx ensurepath
This container comes pre-built with all of my favorite command line tools that I use most often. I was getting sick of how much system resources vscode hogs up by the end of the day when I get many different projects open all at once. Nothing against VSCode, it's a great product, it just takes a lot of resources. Editors like VScode are great for editing full projects, but often I just want to quickly browse through a project with all of my favorite tools handy. Even though this container is a bit bulky its startup performance has been superior to VSCode and even neovim inside of wsl.
If your on windows like me it is handy to convert wsl paths to windows paths.
If you are not on windows simply use $pwd
isntead of $wwd
# windows working directory
wwd(){pwd | sed 's|/mnt/c|C:|g' | sed "s|/|\\\|g"}
Startup with setup shared from parent machine.
devtainer () {
docker run -it --rm \
-v "$(wwd)":/src \
-v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws \
-v $HOME/.zsh_history:/root/.zsh_history \
-v $HOME/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.ipython:/root/.ipython \
Open directly into vim with fzf.vim open.
vim () {
docker run -it --rm \
-v "$(wwd)":/src \
-v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws \
-v $HOME/.zsh_history:/root/.zsh_history \
-v $HOME/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.ipython:/root/.ipython \
vim +GFiles
Open with a specific tmux layout.
tmux () {
docker run -it --rm \
-v "$(wwd)":/src \
-v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws \
-v $HOME/.zsh_history:/root/.zsh_history \
-v $HOME/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.ipython:/root/.ipython \
bash -c "tmux new-session -t 'editor' -d;\
tmux send-keys 'echo hello' Enter;\
tmux split-window -v 'zsh';
tmux send-keys nvim Space /src/ Space +GFiles C-m; \
tmux rotate-window; \
tmux select-pane -U; \
tmux -2 attach-session -d
- ag
- awscli
- bat
- black
- diff-so-fancy
- flake8
- forgit
- git
- gitui
- glow
- interrogate
- ipython
- make
- markserv
- mypy
- neovim
- nodejs
- oh-my-zsh
- pre-commit
- python
- ripgrep
- tmux
- vifm
- visidata
- zsh
- SirVer/ultisnips
- airblade/vim-gitgutter
- ambv/black
- amix/vim-zenroom2
- easymotion/vim-easymotion
- epilande/vim-es2015-snippets
- epilande/vim-react-snippets
- honza/vim-snippets
- itchyny/lightline.vim
- junegunn/fzf
- junegunn/fzf.vim
- junegunn/goyo.vim
- junegunn/limelight.vim
- justinmk/vim-sneak
- mbbill/undotree
- michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object
- rakr/vim-one
- ryanoasis/vim-devicons
- scrooloose/nerdtree
- scrooloose/syntastic
- terryma/vim-smooth-scroll
- thinca/vim-visualstar
- tpope/vim-commentary
- tpope/vim-fugitive
- tpope/vim-markdown
- tpope/vim-surround
- valloric/matchtagalways
- valloric/youcompleteme
- vim-scripts/AutoComplPop
- w0rp/ale
- wellle/targets.vim