Live Quotes Portfolio is a FREE Chrome Extension which keeps track of your stocks portfolio and also shows live stock quotes.It has following features :-
- Target & Stoploss Notifications with Sound AND Red(Stoploss) and Green(Target) colors on the UI.
- Saves user Preferences
- Shows Current Price, Daily Change, Investment(Cost * No. of Shares), Value(Current Price * No. of Shares), ROI (Value - Investment), %ROI (ROI / Investment)
- works in background
- Quotes update every 10 seconds
- You can also set the Range of hours during which market prevails.
- Symbols are same as google finance uses.
- No Spamming and Advertising and there won't be any.
If you find an issues using the Library OR if you have any suggestions to make it perform better, then you can write to us in the Issues Section.
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