- Backup data must be present.
- To recover a database on any other machine, the database version must be same.
- Python3 must be installed to run the scripts.
- Root user must create the mount path.
- To mask a particular database, the user must have DBA privileges.
- Token is accepted as input for calling the datprof APIs
- ORACLE user must run the restore.
- Before masking the database, the user must create groups, environment, and application.
This API prints out the available installed application ID, status, and its database.
Following is the API and its parameter
python3 NetbackupMaskingUtility.py --getInstalledApplicationId yes --project_name --env_name --host --port --token - getInstalledApplicationId: Provide string input as yes - project_name: Provide string input of project name - env_name: Provide string input of Env name - host: Datprof host - port: Datprof port - token: Token to hit the APIs
This API masks the respective database table which is provided in the datprof environment with its user and host details. Following is the API and its parameter python3 NetbackupMaskingUtility.py --run yes --project_name --env_name --installedApplicationId --scenario_name --token --host --port - run: Provide string input as yes - project name: Provide string input of project name - env_name: Provide string input of Env name - host: Datprof host - port: Datprof port - token: Token to hit the APIs - scenario_name: Provide string input as anonymize only - installedApplicationId: Provide integer type input as the API application ID --scenario_name --token --host --port
This API request restores the database from the Oracle Instance Access backup. Following is the API and its parameter: python3 NetbackupMaskingUtility.py --recover --mountpath - recover: Provide string input as yes - mountpath: Provide an absolute path of mount path where the backup files will be stored. The path must be provided in the your_mount_path field.
contact the datprof team for any support or queries https://www.datprof.com/support/