WARNING: This project is deprecated and not maintained since xrandr is not usable with ChromeOS (see issue #2 for more infos)
A small bash utility to easily change your brightnesst/gamma/backlight on Chrome OS
Usage : sh chroscreen [OPTION]...
-v, --verbose Prints useful informations
-g, --gamma R:G:B Changes the gamma through xrandr
--brightness NUM Changes the brightness through xrandr
only use it with NUM > 1, -b should be used otherwise
-r, --reset Resets xrandr values
-b, --backlight NUM Changes the backlight (1 ≤ NUM ≤ 256)
-t, --temperature NUM Experimental (understand: buggy) (1000 ≤ NUM ≤ 40000)
-h, --help Display help