Are you a Vanderbilt computer science student looking to become a better programmer? Join us on an 11 week journey towards that goal. We will be exploring functional programming, monads, promises, typeclasses, and more in JavaScript and Haskell, and becoming better, smarter programmers in the process.
Coming Fall 2015.
Using a REPL.
Welcome to JavaScript.
Anonymous functions: Lambdas, closures, lambda lifting.
- Map | Reduce/Fold | Filter | Zip
Note: Use Haskell style type signatures in descriptions without saying what they are.
Monad laws: Left Identity, Right Identity, Associativity
Maybe monad
Callback hell
Async monad
Promises | A+
Left (error) | Right (result)
How this helps avoid the need for exceptions.
Installation directions (email out)
Writing simple (pure) functions.
Using the REPL.
Pattern matching.
If statements
Case statements
Recursive types
Binary tree example.
Type classes.
Typeclasses are similar to interfaces in OOP.
Build on binary tree example and use typeclass for its operations.
BEncoding example.
$ and . operators
Maybe, Either monads
Identity monad
Reader monads
Writer monads
IO Monad
notation with IO monad
Stacking non-IO monads
Stacking monads on top of IO