Explore ways to use Java Runtimes with AWS Lambda with and without AWS Lambda SnapStart using different framewoks.
The code example include storing and retrieving product from the Amazon DynamoDB. I put Amazon API Gateway in front of my Lambdas.
I made all the test for the following use cases:
- Lambda function without SnapStart enabled
- Lambda function with SnapStart enabled but without usage of Priming
- Lambda function with SnapStart enabled but with usage of Priming (DynamoDB request invocation or proxing the whole web request)
I tested different impact of the Lambda cold and warm start of the following:
- Deployment package sizes
- Lambda memory settings
- Java compilation options
- Synchronous HTTP clients (Url Connection, Apache, synchronous AWS CRT)
- Asynchronous HTTP clients (Netty NIO, asynchronous AWS CRT)
To the explored AWS Lambda Java Runtimes belong:
- Java 11
- Java 17
- Java 21
To the explore frameworks belong :
- Micronaut
- Quarkus
- Spring Boot (including Spring Boot 3.2. version)
Clone git repository locally
git clone https://github.com/Vadym79/AWSLambdaJavaSnapStart.git
Compile and package the Java application with Maven from the root (where pom.xml is located) of the project
mvn clean package
Deploy your application with AWS SAM
sam deploy -g
In order not to use AWS Lambda SnapStart comment both lines in the globals's section of the Lambda function.
#ApplyOn: PublishedVersions
In order to user AWS Lambda SnapStart uncomment both lines above. For different Priming optimizations enabling of SnapStart is required
You can read my article series AWS Lambda SnapStart