The code example include storing and retrieving product from the Amazon DynamoDB. I put Amazon API Gateway in front of my Lambdas.
Install Java Coretto 21 (
sudo yum install java-21-amazon-corretto
Install Maven
sudo yum install -y maven
or ..
tar -xvf apache-maven-3.8.5-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-maven-3.8.5 /opt/
export PATH
Clone git repository locally
git clone
1) For aws-pure-lambda-java21-docker-image project with base image
Compile and package the Java application with Maven from the root (where pom.xml is located) of the project
mvn compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime
docker build --no-cache -t aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image:v1 .
docker save aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image > aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {aws_account_id}
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region eu-central-1
docker tag aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image:v1 {aws_account_id}
docker push {aws_account_id}
2) For aws-pure-lambda-java21-docker-image-alpine-linux project with amazoncorretto:21-alpine base image
Project don't need to be compiled (happens during Docker build)
docker build --no-cache -t aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image-alpine:v1 .
docker save aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image-alpine > aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image-alpine
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {aws_account_id}
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image-alpine --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region eu-central-1
docker tag aws-pure-lambda-java21-custom-docker-image-alpine:v1 {aws_account_id}
docker push {aws_account_id}
3) For aws-spring-boot-3.2-java21-custom-docker-image project with base image
mvn compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime
docker build --no-cache -t aws-spring-boot-3.2-java21-custom-docker-image:v1 .
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-spring-boot-3.2-java21-custom-docker-image --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region eu-central-1
docker tag aws-spring-boot-3.2-java21-custom-docker-image:v1 {aws_account_id}
docker push {aws_account_id}
Deploy your application with AWS SAM
sam deploy -g
You can read my article series "AWS Lambda SnapStart" on