DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD! BAD THINGS CAN HAPPEN! I am not responsible for any damage caused by this application.
- (The piece of code which made OEM apps for AA possible in the first place - Good Job!)
- jQuery
- jQuery Toast
- Google Fonts
- Material Design Icons
- It can play music ;-)
- Various color themes
- Supports media buttons of steering wheel (might not work in all cars - please create issue if not working)
- Use Android Studio to develop:
- Build and install APK (If you want to skip the build, download APK here).
- Enable Developer settings in Android Auto
- Enable 'Unknown sources' checkbox
- Connect phone to AA Head Unit and select the OEM tab
- App permissions must be granted manually via the App menu of the phone, or by launching the phone Activity first
- Select album in the main view
- Select a track in the track view
- To return to album view, tap on the art cover
- Create "Radio" folder at the root of your internal storage (External sd card won't work)
- Copy a radio.txt file which contains the radio stations and their covers. An example follows
- To start playing tap on the cover. Tap again to stop playing.
- Caution: Webradio might consume a lot of data. Check your tariff before using.
"title":"Radio Station 1",
"title":"Radio Station 2",