Make sure that you have installed postgresql and nodejs in your system.
Go to the backend directory
Create a .env file with the following fields:
PORT=3001 (make sure that this port is not in use to run the project)
DB_PORT=your-choice-of-port-for-postgres (make sure to select an unused port, we have used 5432)
DB_NAME=your-choice-of-database-name-for-postgres (we have used movies)
Log in into postgre shell (sudo -u postgres psql in linux / postgres -U psql in windows)
CREATE USER username-you-have-chosen-previously WITH PASSWORD password-you-have-chosen-previously;
ALTER USER username-you-have-chosen-previously CREATEDB;
CREATE DATABASE username-you-have-chosen-previously OWNER username-you-have-chosen-previously;
\q (to quit)
Now try logging in to make sure database and user created successfully
psql username-you-have-chosen-previously username-you-have-chosen-previously
In this step if you have encountered a peer authentication problem in linux it may be caused because of postgres configuration. In such a case check the end of your /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file, the authentication method should be md5 instead of peer.
If you have logged in successfully postgres setup is now complete exit with \q
Run npm i
Run node app.js & (& is for running it in the background, alternatively you can use another temrinal after starting the backend)
Go to frontend directory (cd ../frontend)
Run npm i again
Run npm start
The frontend will open in you default browser in a second
There are no functions to add manager, genre and platform in the UI
To add these you can still use the backend api.
To add manager use http://localhost:3001/api/manager/add_manager with body fields db_name and password
To add platforms first login as a manager from http://localhost:3001/api/user/db_login with body fields db_name and password
Then use http://localhost:3001/api/manager/add_platform with header authorization=token-you-got-from-the-response-of-login and body fields platform_id and platform_name
To add genres first login as a director from http://localhost:3001/api/user/login with body fields username and password
Then use http://localhost:3001/api/director/add_genre with header authorization=token-you-got-from-the-response-of-login and body fields genre_name and genre_id
For all other data input you can use the UI.