Create Aliyun K8s Cluster
- k8s version: 1.26.3-aliyun.1, enhanced version based on Kubernetes 1.26.
- Nodes:
- 72 ecs.r7.16xlarge(64 vCPU 512 GiB) with ESSD AutoPL (capacity 1024GB) as workers
- network 32Gbit/s
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8369B CPU @ 2.70GHz, 64 cores, 512G, Alibaba Group Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Paladin)
- 1 ecs.g6.2xlarge(8 vCPU 32 GiB) as master with ESSD P0 (capacity 80G)
- network 2.5Gbit/s
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8269CY CPU @ 2.50GHz, 8 cores, 32G, Alibaba Group Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Paladin)
- 72 ecs.r7.16xlarge(64 vCPU 512 GiB) with ESSD AutoPL (capacity 1024GB) as workers
- Login the deploy machine which will also be the LDBC driver running machine.
- The deployment is processed using the aliyun intranet.
- Beforehand, the operator's ip addresses or ip ranges should be recorded to the aliyun network whitelist.
- clone repro from github
git clone
cd tugraph-ldbc-bi/running_file/
- get the deployment and driver scripts and install necessary dependency
sh scripts/
- edit environment variables
vim scripts/
# fill the variables below.
# sf scale.
export SF=
# remote path for origin data.
export OSS_DIR=
# k8s cluster name.
# aliyun access_key_id.
export AK=
# aliyun access_key_secret.
export SK=
# graph store partition number.
- download images and deploy TuGraph cluster
# cost about 10min
nohup scripts/ > deploy.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
- the cluster nodes information is recored in
file. - you can login any node by password.
The data is on Aliyun object storage, and the tugraph loader can directly load it.
Add parameters to the directory: ./parameters
The parameter directory name should be patterned: parameters-sf{SF}
nohup ./scripts/ 1>benchmark.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
The benchmark result can be found in the output/output-sf{SF}
graph load time
bi query execute time
bi query execute result
rm -rf ldbc && mkdir ldbc && cd ldbc
git clone
cd tugraph-ldbc-bi/running_file/
sh scripts/
# if you have already setup cluster, clean the k8s cluster first.
# sh scripts/
# fill the variables below.
# export SF=10
# export NUM_NODES=1
# export PARTITION=19
vim scripts/
# setup cluster.
nohup sh scripts/ > deploy.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f deploy.log
# run benchmark
nohup sh scripts/ 1>benchmark.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f benchmark.log
# fill the variables below.
# export SF=100
# export NUM_NODES=1
# export PARTITION=99
vim scripts/
# setup cluster.
nohup sh scripts/ > deploy.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f deploy.log
# run benchmark
nohup sh scripts/ 1>benchmark.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f benchmark.log
# fill the variables below.
# export SF=30000
# export NUM_NODES=72
# export PARTITION=1151
vim scripts/
# setup cluster.
nohup sh scripts/ > deploy.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f deploy.log
# run benchmark
nohup sh scripts/ 1>benchmark.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f benchmark.log
All ecs nodes information is recored in cluster_nodes
file, you can login by
sshpass -e ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@{IP_ADDRESS}
# get pod
deploy_cluster/kubectl --kubeconfig deploy_cluster/kube.yaml -n geaflow get pods -o wide
# login
deploy_cluster/kubectl --kubeconfig deploy_cluster/kube.yaml -n geaflow exec -it ${pod_name} -- /bin/bash
# for example
deploy_cluster/kubectl --kubeconfig deploy_cluster/kube.yaml -n geaflow exec -it raycluster-sample-8c64g-worker-1 -- /bin/bash
nohup sh scripts/ 1>statistics.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f statistics.log
The graph statistics result can be found in the output/output-sf{SF}/statistics.csv
nohup ./scripts/ --validate 1>validate.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
tail -f validate.log
The query result can be found in the output/output-sf{SF}/results.csv