CTkGradient is a fork of GradientFrame-Tkinter, it is a python module to create customtkinter frames with a gradient background color of your choice, you can choose between a vertical or horizontal gradient, among other options.
This project is in alpha state, so you may encounter bugs through its use, which I would recommend reporting in issues. I'm thinking about a few features with gradients like buttons and other widgets, so stay tuned!
Install the module using pip
(or pip3
) by typing the next command on console...
pip install CTkGradient
Then import it and use it, here is an example:
# Import customtkinter and CTkGradient
import customtkinter as ctk
import CTkGradient as ctkg
# Initialize CustomTkinter
root = ctk.CTk()
# Create a GradientFrame with custom colors and direction
gradient_frame = ctkg.GradientFrame(
master = root,
colors = ("#ec0075", "#ffd366"),
direction = "vertical",
corner_radius = 10,
height = 600,
width = 800
gradient_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True)