Project contains a Dockerfile to execute the pythomat locally with an adapted solution.
Copy the pythomat for the exercise and unzip the solution in the folder of this project. Adapt the solution and execute the run_tests script. After the tests are finished and if you have firefox installed, solution.html should be displayed in a new private window.
The image can be found at docker hub. Auto-Build is currently enabled.
- add python, pip, bash, openjdk8 and simplejson
- add the execution script and use it as entrypoint
FROM alpine
# add python2.7 pip for simplejson and bash for the script
RUN apk add python2 py-pip bash
# add java jdk 8 as stated [here](
RUN apk update
RUN apk fetch openjdk8
RUN apk add openjdk8
ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk
# update pip cause the delivered version is old
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install simplejson
COPY /prod/
RUN chmod a+rx /prod/
ENTRYPOINT [ "/prod/" ]
- executing the pythomat with python2.7
- script executed inside the docker container
cd /prod/
python2.7 -o solution.html solution
- sets the path to the current directory
- searches the "solution" folder
- mounts the pythomat and the solution folder into the container
- displays the results in a new firefox window
SET IMAGE_NAME=thomasweber/pythomatdocker:latest
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%g IN ('dir Solution /ad /s /b') do (SET SOLUTION_PATH=%%g)
docker run -it -v "%SRC_PATH%\":/prod/ -v "%SOLUTION_PATH%":/prod/solution/ -w /prod/ --cap-drop ALL %IMAGE_NAME%
start firefox -private-window "file:///%SOLUTION_PATH%/solution.html"
Feature requests are welcome.