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jimi Orchestration, Automation and Response
Describing exactly what jimi is difficult as jimi is and means different things depending on the user and use case. Simply put jimi is a graphical expandable IT orchestration and automation platform.
jimi takes a no/low code approach to IT and security operations allowing users with no programming experience to build, deploy and understand automated workflows.
- Multi-user
- 2FA
- Object and field level ACL
- Password vault
- Clustering for 2 or more jimi nodes with automatic failover and recovery
- Self monitoring
We have provided just a few examples but with jimi the limit is your imagination.
- Event enrichment
- Security product integration
- Asset management
- Software deployment
- ITIL ticket automation
- Workflow automation
- Server performance monitoring
- Network monitoring
- Automated diagnostics and remediation
- Backups
- Configuration management
If you do something more than once then use jimi to reduce repetitive tasks!