title | disqus |
C5 News Backend |
hackmd |
News inc is an online newspaper that publishes news on a large scale every day (50-100 publications daily). This news is drawn from the world's leading newspapers and references each source accurately. It has 5 to 10 categories and each news has tags that identify it. It also has its own commenting system, so it has users with different roles (visitors, administrators, etc.).
title API's Develop
section Planning
Documentation and planning (First week) :a1, 2020-10-09, 07d
section Code
Code Node API-Rest (List and Querys) :a1, 2020-10-17, 07d
Connect with MongoDB (Second week) :a1, 2020-10-17, 04d
Code GrapqlAPI :a1, 2020-10-23 , 03d
Add data to database MongoDB (Second week) :a1, 2020-10-24, 04d
section Tests
Tests (Third week) :a1, 2020-10-26 , 07d
Read more about the project here: https://www.notion.so/Team-master5-7-inc-News-Inc-project-7340af6d026b4eb8a3f0099888a890a6
- cors
- dotenv
- express-graphql
- graphql-tools
- swagger-ui-express
- nodemon
- standard