Vextra v1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where antlion would crack cracked ice, resulting in instant objective kills
Fixed an issue with the subzero achievement where it wouldn't trigger at the end of a mission
Fixed an issue with the reactive psion where you could move before it activated
Overhauled Mission Impossible Achievement
Closing the game no longer invalidates the achievement
It now checks the lists at the start of the game so if they are changed mid run it still works
The achievement now tells you whether your current run is valid, and how many islands are complete
Fixed many cockroach bugs:
Alpha and leader revive animation no longer plays in reverse
Beta Cockroach no longer disappears in its tooltip
Arachnoids properly spawn after resetting or quitting the game and then killing a cockroach
We got no clue on that one
Blacklisted Popular Hero and Invulnerable on Secret Squad pilots now that we can do that
Optimized the isopod achievement to work more consistently
Fixed an issue where flying ants would cause a console error when spawning and could trigger the Dragonslayer achievement
Balance Changes:
Nerfed Stinkbug Leader so it's line of stink only goes out two tiles instead of infinitely
This nerf also goes to the secret squad
Antlion Hp Core: 3 --> 2 Unique: 5 --> 4
Thunderbug got a small stat buff to help solidify its place in Unique
Nurse Psion can now be killed by friendly fire
Termites are now Core Enemies and Antlions are now Unique
Burrowers in Core were causing issues, and preventing termites attack was too easy
Chagned Acid Psion
Vek Leave A.C.I.D. on death and apply it to adjacent enemies at the start of the player's turn
Changed Termite to be less confusing
If the space in front of them is empty they will dash forward one space and leave a rock
The leader no longer spawns a rock in front before dashing, but now spawns explosive rocks
Changed Ice Crawler to be less confusing:
Increased Damage is now removed: Core: 1 Unique: 2 Leader: 2
Leader no longer has two directions, but still has ice explosion
Changed the achievement to match: Have an Ice Crawler hit 3 enemies in a single attack
Updated some portraits
Fixed some typos
Made Antlion Animation more readable
Updated how Psion Icons works
Optimized stink clouds and added a description
Updated Winter psion text
Added sounds to killing a cockroach corpse