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@cognifloyd cognifloyd released this 22 Dec 17:54
· 434 commits to master since this release

Breaking Changes

  • Auto-generate datastore_crypto_key on install if not provided. This way all HA installs will have a datastore_crypto_key configured. This is only a breaking change for installations that do not want a datastore_crypto_key. To disable set datastore_crypto_key to disable instead of setting it to "", null, or leaving it unset. (#266)

Community Contributions (THANKS!)

  • Allow adding custom env variables to any Deployment or Job. (#120) (by @angrydeveloper)
  • Include nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations on st2client to allow more flexibility in pod positioning. (#263) (by @sandesvitor)

Significant Fixes

  • Set default/sample RBAC config files to "" (empty string) to prevent adding them. This is needed because they cannot be removed by overriding the roles/mappings values. (#247)
  • Fix indent for lifecycle postStart hook of st2web pod. (#268)

Major Features

  • Switch st2 to v3.6 as a new default stable version (#274)
  • Advanced Feature: Allow st2web to serve HTTPS when the ssl certs are provided via st2web.extra_volumes. To enable this, add ST2WEB_HTTPS: "1" to st2web.env in your values file. (#264)
  • Add extra_volumes to st2actionrunner, st2client, st2sensorcontainer. This is useful for loading volumes to be used by actions or sensors. This might include secrets (like ssl certificates) and configuration (like system-wide ansible.cfg). (#254)
  • Some helm upgrades do not need to run all the jobs. An upgrade that only touches RBAC config, for example, does not need to run the register-content job. Use --set 'jobs.skip={apikey_load,key_load,register_content}' to skip the other jobs. (#255)
  • Add envFromSecrets to st2actionrunner, st2client, st2sensorcontainer, and jobs. This is useful for adding custom secrets to the environment. This complements the extra_volumes feature (loading secrets as files) to facilitate loading secrets that are not easily injected via the filesystem. (#259)

Everything Else

  • Refactor deployments/jobs to inject st2 username/password via envFrom instead of via env. (#257)
  • Use "--convert" when loading keys into datastore (in key-load Job) so that st2.keyvalue[].value can be any basic JSON data type. (#253)
  • Custom annotations now apply to deployments and jobs, not just pods. (#270)
  • Template more values:
    • Template the contents of st2.config and the values in st2chatops.env. This allows adding secrets defined elsewhere in values. (#249)
    • Template ~/.st2/config. This allows customizing the settings used by the st2client and jobs pods for using the st2 apis. (#262)
  • Improve sensor handling:
    • Explicitly differentiate sensor modes: all-sensors-in-one-pod vs one-sensor-per-pod. Exposes the mode in new stackstorm/sensor-mode annotation. (#222)
    • Make configuring stackstorm/sensor-mode=all-sensors-in-one-pod more obvious by using st2.packs.sensors only for one-sensor-per-pod. all-sensors-in-one-pod mode now only uses values from st2sensorcontainer. (#246)