An automatic fetch mechanism for CakePHP 2.0 apps
Firstly, check out TwitterBootswatchHelper into your 'APP/app/Plugin' directory and update the submodules:
$ cd app/Plugin/
$ git clone [email protected]/pwhittlesea/TwitterBootswatchHelper TwitterBootswatch
Secondly, add TwitterBootswatchHelper to your APP/app/Config/bootstrap.php config file:
Thirdly, import the Plugin in your controller:
* DemoController
* For a demo
class DemoController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('TwitterBootswatch');
Finally, you can now use the TwitterBootswatch Helper in your views:
<h3>Select your theme</h3>
$themes = array();
foreach ($this->TwitterBootswatch->getThemes() as $a => $theme) {
$themes[$a] = $theme['name'].' '.$theme['description'];
<?= $this->Form->radio("theme", $themes) ?>