- Upload Image
- Upload Video
- Use webcam
- Conversion in GrayScale Image
- Image Blurring
- Edge Detector
- Image Dilation
- Image Erosion
- Resizing
- Cropping
- Get a completely black image
- Put Colours on the image
- Draw shapes in the image - Lines, Rectangle, Circle
- Put Text on the image
- Get the warp perspective of any image
- Horizontal Stacking
- Vertical Stacking
- Convert RGB image to HSV.
- Create Trackbar.
- Create Mask.
- Tune HSV parameters from trackbar to get desired shape of object in white in the mask.
- Get the actual color of object in image.
- Convert RGB image to GRAYSCALE then BLURRED and detect edges.
- find and draw contour of detected edges.
- Calculate area, arclength and no. of corners of contour.
- Draw bounding box arround the detected contour.
- Put text (shape name) on the detected shape or contour.
- Using default cascade to find face in the input image.
- Draw bounding box arround the detected face.