Releases: SiliconLabs/platform_applications
Releases · SiliconLabs/platform_applications
Migrated application examples to SLCP format
- Platform - Executing Code from RAM
- Platform - True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
- Platform - Peripheral LESENSE ADC
- Platform - SegmentLCD Low Power
- Platform - Segment LCD and Temperature Sensor
- Platform - IADC High Accuracy Mode - PG23 (BRD2504A)
- Platform - Lean Watchdog
- Platform - Edge Counting Using the EFM32/EFR32 Series 1 Pulse Counter (PCNT)
- Platform - Si7021 RHT Sensor Bare-metal
- Platform - Using Autonomous Peripherals in Low Power EM2 Mode
- Platform - DALI Communication using EUSART (Main device)
- Platform - DALI Communication using EUSART (Secondary device)
- Platform - DALI Communication using bitbang SPI (Main device)
- Platform - DALI Communication using bitbang SPI (Secondary device)
- Platform - DALI Communication using bitbang SPI with DMADRV (Main device)
- Platform - DALI Communication using bitbang SPI with DMADRV (Secondary device)
- Platform - Segment LCD with LDMA
- Platform - IADC High-speed Mode
- Platform - Segment LCD with Timer
- Platform - IADC High-speed Mode
- Platform - IADC High Accuracy Mode - PG28 (BRD2506A)
- Platform - Segment LCD with LC Sensor
- Platform - IADC with LDMA Ping-Pong
- Platform - UART Circular Buffer with LDMA
- Platform - Sisnake
- Platform - PG28 LCD Animation Blink
- Platform - PG23 LCD Animation Blink
- Platform - FG23 LCD Animation Blink
- Platform - Asynchronous EM01GRPA Clock Output
- Platform - Flash Read-While-Write
- Platform - I2C Read to NVM3 Test
- Platform - I2C Test for EFM8 IOExpander (IOEXP)
- Platform - RTCC and Watchdog Bare-metal
- Platform - I2C Slave Bootloader
- Platform - WS2812 RGB LED Driver
- Platform - SensiML IMU Data Capture
- Platform - SensiML IMU Data Capture with BLE
- Platform - SensiML Microphone Data Capture
- Platform - SensiML IMU Recognition
- Platform - SensiML IMU Recognition with BLE
- Platform - SensiML Microphone Recogniton
- Platform - Squash FreeRTOS Glib
- Platform - NVM3 Integrity Test
- Platform - Micrium Multiple ADC LMDA Task
- Platform - Linked DMA (LDMA) Arbitration
- Platform - Parse GBL Metadata in Single Shot
- Platform - Parse GBL Metadata in BufferSize Steps
- Platform - QI PRx communication protocol
- Platform - QI PRx communication protocol with fast response
- Platform - EFR32xG21 LDMA SPI Throughput
- Platform - EFR32xG21 Polled SPI Throughput
- Platform - Flash blank checking using the GPCRC
Deprecated application examples