An open-source Python package for generation of SMART probe ensembles and calculation of SMART molecular descriptors.
- pandas
- scipy
- mathutils
- argparse
- RDKit
- morfeus (optional)
- dbstep (optional)
- pyvista (optional)
- chimera (optional)
See documentation for version-specific syntax (
import SMART as smart
# read from a file (.pdb, .sdf, .mol2, or .xyz)
structure = smart.ReadFile(path)
# or pass MOL directly from RDKit
structure = smart.ReadMol(mol)
# multiple reference vector computations are supported,
# select one from below
# define a linear reference vector from atom ids
binding_atom = 0
ref_atom = 1
structure.reference_vector(tip_id=binding_atom, ref_id=ref_atom, dist=2.0)
# define a linear reference vector from atom positions
binding_atom = np.array([0,0,0])
ref_atom = np.array([0,0,1])
structure.reference_vector(tip_pos=binding_atom, ref_pos=ref_atom, dist=2.0)
# define a cross-product reference vector from atom positions
# (follows the right-hand-rule)
structure.reference_angle(tip_pos=binding_atom, ref_pos=ref_atom, dist=2.0)
# define a geometry and find empty coordination site
binding_atom = np.array([0,0,0])
ref_atom1, ref_atom2 = 1, 2
structure.reference_geometry(tip_pos=binding_atom, refs_ids=[ref_atom1, ref_atom2], geom='trigonal', dist=2.0)
# (Optional: for debugging)
# Export .pdb file with a dummy atom at the computed binding site
structure.export_alignment(out=file.split('.')[0]+'_align', dummy='X')
from SMART import conf_search as search
# set name of probe .mol2 file (default probes in folder /Probes/)
probe_name = 'S_SiH2_12_cyclic'
if search.TEMPLATE.is_template(probe_name):
# perform free conformer search to make template
print('get template')
# load pre-existing template
print('gen template')
# performs 50 steps of fitting
search.PARAMS.read_parameters({'NSTEP':50, 'VERBOSE':True})
# !! start the search !!
ensemble = search.TEMPLATE_SEARCH(structure) # output conformers
# (Optional: export ensemble to single .pdb file)
smart.ExportStructure(ensemble, 'SMART_out')
from SMART import descriptors as desc
# compute SMART descriptors using triangulation
properties_tri = desc.get_Cloud_Properties(structure.MOL, ensemble, id=binding_atom, prox_radius=4.0, alpha=0)
# compute SMART descriptors using Buried Volume
properties_bv = desc.get_BuriedVolume_Properties(structure.MOL, ensemble, id=binding_atom, prox_radius=4.0, sterimol=True, sasa=False, vol=True)
# compute octants and quadrants
ref_atom1, ref_atom2 = 1, 2
properties_bv_oc = desc.get_Octant_Properties(structure.MOL, ensemble, id=binding_atom, z_axis=[binding_atom], xz_plane=[ref_atom1, ref_atom2], prox_radius=4.0, octant=True, quadrant=False)
Alternatively, compute SMART descriptors using UCSF Chimera through the script
See documentation for more information.
This package:
- Miller, B. R.; Cammarota, R. C; Sigman, M. A Python Package for the Generation of Cavity-Specific Steric Molecular Descriptors and Applications to Diverse Systems. ChemRxiv. 2024. 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-gk1bp
Literature Using SMART:
Cammarota, R. C., Liu, W., Bacsa, J., Davies, H. M. L., & Sigman, M. S. Mechanistically Guided Workflow for Relating Complex Reactive Site Topologies to Catalyst Performance in C-H Functionalization Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144(4), 1881–1898.
Lucas W. Souza, Beck R. Miller, Ryan C. Cammarota, Anna Lo, Ixchel Lopez, Yuan-Shin Shiue, Benjamin D. Bergstrom, Sarah N. Dishman, James C. Fettinger, Matthew S. Sigman, and Jared T. Shaw, ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14 (1), 104-115, 4256