Tutorial and introductory scripts for using HoloViews (Bokeh backend) to generate interactive plots
Use tutorial files in the 'COW Tutorial' Folder
Install Conda environment from InteractivePlots.yml file:
conda env create —f InteractivePlots.yml
Open in a code in a notebook (requires ipython installation for VS Code or jupyter for Jupyter Lab/Notebook)
Note: Import section of python script will require 1-2 minutes to run for first use
- hv.Scatter (bokeh backend) HoloViews Scatter
- 2D Models
- Chemical Space
- Heatmap, Bubble Plots, and Heatmap Bubble Plots
- hv.Slope (bokeh backend) HoloViews Slope
- Linear Modeling
- hv.Area (bokeh backend, plotly dependency) Holoviews Area
- Confidence Interval
- hv.Bars (bokeh backend) Holoviews Bars
- Data Distribution
- Training / Validation Splits
- Hover data displays as '???'
- JavaScript backend does not accomodate for any special characters in column names. If these are present, the column names must be changed.
- Some Bokeh color palettes cannot be found
If hv.extensions includes both 'bokeh' and 'matplotlib' and palette name is used by both programs (example: 'Accent'), it cannot be used. Restart notebook and remove 'matplotlib' from hv.extensions.
Alternatively, you can import dataframe from Bokeh directly (most cases)
color = hv.Cycle('Category20b').values
- Matplotlib/Yellowbrick fonts not found
import matplotlib.font_manager fonts = matplotlib.font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf') font_names = [matplotlib.font_manager.get_font(f).family_name for f in fonts] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "DejaVu Sans" # or another font available on your system
- VS Code not showing plot (not seen in Jupyter Notebooks)
- Restart VS Code