Send review requests to your customers to receive reviews for your store.
The plugin will create a review request upon customers completing an order. After an initial delay (configurable), a review request will be sent as an email to the customer asking them to review your store.
When processing a review request (i.e. trying to send it), the plugin will run an eligibility check to see if the review request is eligible to be sent. You can hook into this process to decide whether a review request should be sent or not.
composer require setono/sylius-review-plugin
$bundles = [
// ...
Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\SetonoSyliusReviewPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Sylius\Bundle\GridBundle\SyliusGridBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
Make sure you add it before SyliusGridBundle
, otherwise you'll get
You have requested a non-existent parameter "setono_sylius_review.model.review_request.class".
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
There are two commands in this plugin. One for processing review requests and one for pruning the review request table.
php bin/console setono:sylius-review:process
php bin/console setono:sylius-review:prune
You decide yourself how often you want to run these commands. The process command makes sense to run daily, while the prune command can be run weekly or monthly.
# The initial delay before the first eligibility check. The string must be parseable by strtotime(). See
initial_delay: '+1 week'
# The maximum number of eligibility checks before the review request is automatically cancelled
maximum_checks: 5
# Review requests older than this threshold will be pruned/removed. The string must be parseable by strtotime(). See
threshold: '-1 month'
options: ~
model: Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\Model\ReviewRequest
repository: Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\Repository\ReviewRequestRepository
factory: Sylius\Component\Resource\Factory\Factory
You can add your own eligibility checker by implementing the Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\EligibilityChecker\ReviewRequestEligibilityCheckerInterface
use Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\EligibilityChecker\EligibilityCheck;
use Setono\SyliusReviewPlugin\EligibilityChecker\ReviewRequestEligibilityCheckerInterface;
final class MyEligibilityChecker implements ReviewRequestEligibilityCheckerInterface
public function check(ReviewRequestInterface $reviewRequest): EligibilityCheck
if($this->getCustomer()->hasGreenEyes()) {
return EligibilityCheck::ineligible('The review request is not eligible because we don't trust people with green eyes...');
return EligibilityCheck::eligible();
When you implement the interface, your service will automatically be added to the list of eligibility checkers.
However, if you don't use autoconfiguration, you need to tag your service with setono_sylius_review.review_request_eligibility_checker
If you use the mail tester plugin you can test the review request email
directly from the admin interface. Just go to
and select the setono_sylius_review__review_request
in the Subjects