The Smart Scanning, Live Preview & Moar Entropy Release
The Smart Scanning, Live Preview & Moar Entropy Release
This release introduces a smart QR scanning module, live preview, and enhancements to the seed-from-photo module.
Join our Telegram group for help building a signer and for all other things SeedSigner!
To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size).
The UI will appear about 45 seconds after applying power to the device.
(Please note that our core air-gapped QR signing functionality is working reliably, however when making transactions with numerous inputs [UTXO consolidation] the volume of frames to scan in and out of SeedSigner can be large. We are working with wallet coordinator developers to optimize this process; like most software, it will get better and better with time.)
New Features:
- Smart scanning identifies item scanned & adjusts workflow/settings accordingly
- Screen displays live-preview during seed-from-photo & QR scanning modules
- More entropy introduced to seed-from-photo module (CPU serial, milliseconds, frames)
- Faster animated QR generation
- Faster camera initialization
- Persistent settings with SeedSigner reset option
- Handling of no-camera-installed within I/O Test module
- Prompt for wallet during XPUB export process
- Warning message if seed does not correspond with PSBT
- Built for compatibility with Specter v1.4.5 and up
- Built for compatibility with Sparrow Wallet v1.4.2 and up
- Built for compatibility with BlueWallet v6.1.9 and up
- For testing/development using SSH, the device's network name is "seedsigner"
- The best way to practice & get comfortable with signing is testnet
- Test with small amounts of BTC first if starting with mainnet
- Slightly rotate the SeedSigner screen to resolve glare/lighting issues