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The SeedSigner Reformation

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@SeedSigner SeedSigner released this 26 May 15:31
· 1500 commits to main since this release

What an amazing step forward for the project, restructuring the code base sets us up for so many good things to come!

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To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size).

Startup time is down to ~50 seconds. (Way down from where we started at 90 seconds!)

New Features:

  • New code structure to facilitate faster startup time
  • More responsive button and joystick navigation
  • Improved word gathering screen showing ONLY VIABLE LETTERS
  • Persistent press for letter gathering is back
  • Improved navigation for aborting / exiting by using left joystick
  • New left-click menu for generating seed from dice
  • Ability to display a stored seed once it has been saved
  • Adding Settings option for wallet selection (currently Specter only)
  • Prompts to save seed when calculating final word
  • Confirmation prompt for power off


  • Built for compatibility with Specter v1.1.0 and up
  • Use Specter's "other" device type
  • Boot time is ~50 seconds on RasPi Zero
  • Always opt for animated QR codes in Specter
  • Test with small amounts of BTC if using mainnet
  • Currently support multisig only
  • Try holding screen upside-down when signing