This is an ascii art video game where you enter commands to make things happen.
- Download intellij
- Install kotlin plugin
- Clone the project with intellij
- Add a kotlin configuration:
- Click the "Add Configuration" in the top right corner.
- In the popup window click the + icon and select Kotlin.
- Find main.kt by clicking on the ellipse next to the main class field. You should see the following popup:
Intellij should automatically find the main funciton for you. If not just type "MainKt" in the Main class field.
- Click the "Add Configuration" in the top right corner.
- To select a JDK open file>>"project structure" window and select project. Select open jdk 16 in the SDK dropdown:
- To add kotlin libraries select tools>>kotlin>>"configure kotlin in project".
- Now press the green-triangular-run button:
- Java Run Time Environment
- A keyboard
When you start the program you will be greeted with your first option: What fantasy race you would like to play as. Select a race by typing the first letter of its name. For example, if you want to be a human you can type "h" without the quotations and press enter.
You will then be shown the dungeon map. You are the @ symbol in the center of the image below. Above the map are your characters stats.
"Action (h for help):" is where you type in your commands
Survive all levels 5 levels of the dungeon. Each level has a staircase represented by a slash (/). Walking over the slash will bring you to the next level.
The fifth and final level has a dollar sign ($) instead of a slash. Walking over this will win you the game.
You can move by using these commands:
- no -- Walk north one character
- ne -- Walk north-east one character
- ea -- Walk east one character
- se -- Walk south-east one character
- so -- Walk south one character
- sw -- Walk south-west one character
- we -- Walk west one character
- nw -- Walk north-west one character
Important Note: you can repeat the last action by pressing enter without typing anything. This is very useful for travelling long distances in one direction.
Each character on the map represents a different game piece. The meaning of each character is described below.
- "." -- Room Tile
- "+" -- Doorway
- "#" -- Hallway Tile
- " " -- Empty Space
- "-", "|" -- Wall Tiles
- "D" -- Dragon
- "X" -- Phoenix
- "M" -- Merchant
- "N" -- Goblin
- "T" -- Troll
- "W" -- Werwolf
- "V" -- Vampire
- " \ " -- Staircase
- "@" -- Player Character (You)
- "P" -- Potion
- "G" -- Gold
To attack an enemy they must be within a one character radius of you. Use the following command:
a direction
For example:
- a no -- attack something north of you
- a se -- attack something south-east of you
To repeat an attack at the same location press enter without typing anything.
To use a potion, type:
u direction
For exmaple:
- u we -- use a potion west of you
- u ne -- use a potion north-east of you