A repositroy to host firmware/software related to the DIY Geiger-Mueller counter units.
http://www.tokyohackerspace.org/en/event/diy-geiger-mueller-counter-workshop-20-2011-08-08 http://www.tokyohackerspace.org/en/event/diy-geiger-mueller-counter-workshop-20-2011-08-22
See this for more insights on the history of this kit: http://tokyohackerspace.org/en/blog/tokyo-hackerspacerdtn-geiger-shield-dev-history
This kit is a THS[1] project in collaboration with SafeCast[2]. Once you buy and build your device, you own it (hardware and software) and the data it produces. You can opt-in to have your data logged to the THS account on Pachube[3] (for free) and have it available to the public (for free).
[1] http://tokyohackerspace.org/ [2] http://safecast.org/ [3] http://pachube.com/feeds?user=tokyohackerspace
To be able to update/change the firmware of your DIY GM counter, you'll need: a) a toolchain to build (compile/link) the source for the Arduino b) a tool to upload the binary to the flash of the Arduino c) way to access the source code and related libraries
One relatively simple way is to download the appropriate "Arduino IDE" for your OS of choice from http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software since this provides both a) and b) above.
If you are not into development just get a stable snapshot from https://github.com/thinrope/NetRad-THS, otherwise use your favorte git tool to improve the source and send pull requests.
To have your unit upload data to http://pachube.com/ you need to setup an account with them, or use the THS shared account. To use the THS shared account, please contact [email protected] and you'll be given an ID.
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, PLEASE BEAR WITH ME! Feel free to submit issues on github, or contact the developers directly.
To use the bleeding edge, on Linux:
cd sketchbook git clone https://github.com/thinrope/NetRad-THS.git cd NetRad-THS/ git checkout testing git submodule init git submodule update cd src/netrad_ths make make upload make monitor