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Humphry Dashboard


Backend: Node-Express and Websockets
Frontend: React

This is the repository for the Humphry Engine Dashboard. This tool is a central application to monitor the sensors and motor for the Humphry engine prototype. The dashboard runs a local server to which arduino controllers post incremental updates from the engine. If necessary, these updates can also be saved to a Mysql database. The user-facing client must be run and viewed locally as well.

Installation and dependencies

You should already have git and npm

  • Clone the repository
  • npm install

Starting backend

Right now the backend supports a REST api and websocket connection. The silly part is that the websocket implementation is built on right top of the REST implementation. Incoming ws messages just send a post request. You can attach either of these to a service file to run them on device.

  • Running REST server required
    • node server/server.js
    • once the server is running, send requests to http://:5000
  • Running websocket listener optional
    • requires REST server to be running as well
    • node server/sockets.js
    • once socket listener is running, send websocket messages to ws://:5001

Start Client Frontend

  • navigate to dashboard-gui and run npm start
    • npm run build for production
  • to view the GUI, point your browser http://:4350

API Reference

Component Endpoint Update Parameters
Controller /api/data/controller
knob_sb Signed integer -1024...1024 Percentage of the starboard throttle
knob_bb Signed integer -1024...1024 Percentage of the backboard throttle
knob_sb_fw Boolean {0,1} Forward state of starboard motor
knob_sb_bw Boolean {0,1} Forward state of starboard motor
knob_bb_fw Boolean {0,1} Forward state of starboard motor
knob_bb_bw Boolean {0,1} Forward state of starboard motor
Backboard motor /api/data/motorbb
rpm Unsigned integer Any positive integer Rotations per minute of backboard motor
motor_temp Unsigned integer Any positive integer Temperature of the backboard motor
coolant_temp Unsigned integer Any positive integer Temperature of the backboard coolant
elock Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of elock
pump Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of pump
Starboard motor /api/data/motorbb
rpm Unsigned integer Any positive integer Rotations per minute of backboard motor
motor_temp Unsigned integer Any positive integer Temperature of the backboard motor
coolant_temp Unsigned integer Any positive integer Temperature of the backboard coolant
elock Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of elock
pump Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of pump
Power Distribution Unit /api/data/pdu
current_sb Unsigned integer Any positive integer Current diverted to the starboard motor (mA)
current_bb Unsigned integer Any positive integer Current diverted to the backboard motor (mA)
v12_bus Boolean {0,1} On/Off Status of the 12 volt databus
v12_battery Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of the 12 volt battery
v48_bus Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of the 48 volt databus
v48_dcdc Boolean {0,1} On/Off status of 48 volt DC-DC converter
Switchboard /api/data/switch
battery Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch
fuel_cell Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch
charger Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch
sw4 Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch placeholder
sw5 Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch placeholder
sw6 Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch placeholder
sw7 Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch placeholder
sw8 Boolean {0,1} On/Off switch placeholder
Example Call:

Update controller:

Creating new component

To create a new component

  • Copy one of the existing component JS file in src/components/

    • cp src/components/Controller.js src/components/<NewComponent>.js
  • And its accompanying CSS file in src/stylesheets/

    • cp src/stylesheets/Controller.css src/stylesheets/<NewComponent>.css
  • Edit the imports in the heading of <NewComponent>.js to link the appropriate stylesheet

    • import "../stylesheets/<NewComponent>.js
  • For each new update parameter, add <table> rows and data following the structure of the old component, but with the new parameters

  • Import the new component in App.js

    • import <NewComponent> from "./components/<NewComponent>";
  • Instantiate the new component as an HTML element with the update parameters as its arguments <NewComponent>

    • For further information on how to update the new component in React, read the React documentation or refer here.
  • In the componentDidMount function in App.js, add a new socket listener like the others

    • socket.on("<NewComponent>", data => {
      data = JSON.parse(data);
        updateParameter1: data.updateParameter1,
        updateParameter2: data.updateParameter2

Pushing changes

Changes to the UI are not a problem, React will automatically render changes or throw an error page.

Changes to the server (server/server.js) file, however, do require you to restart the server.

Restarting the server

In this order and from any directory, type the commands:

  • sudo systemctl disable humphry-dashboard-server
  • sudo systemctl disable humphry-dashboard-websockets
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • sudo systemctl enable humphry-dashboard-server
  • sudo systemctl enable humphry-dashboard-websockets
    • enabling the service should start the server again
    • if not, then run sudo systemctl start humphry-dashboard-server
    • sudo systemctl start humphry-dashboard-websockets


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Contributors 3
