The download of a small-scale recreation of Hypixel's Skyblock minigame in vanilla datapacks. An indie-pack developed by Sadan (Master Mode)
To fully install the world, follow the steps below.
Be sure you're on SkyblockCreation-World and not SkyblockCreation-Datapack!
1/ Download the zip
a) Hit the "Code" dropdown near the top right
b) Be sure you're on the 'local' tab
c) Click 'Download Zip' near the bottom of the dropdown
2/ Unzip the file (using something like winrar or 7zip) to get the world file
a) The file should be called something along the lines of 'SkyblockCreation-World-main'
3/ Inside of the folder you just opened, there should be yet another folder called 'SkyblockCreation-World-main'.
a) A bit confusing, but it should be clear
b) Let's called this folder "WorldMain", and the actual folder you downloaded be called "WorldZip"
4/ Drag WorldMain into your saves folder, which should be located in your .minecraft folder.
a) This should NOT be WorldZip.
5/ Launch Minecraft and the world should be there.
a) If the world prompts to make a backup before using experimental features, ignore it.
i) It always shows up when using certain features, its not experimental
b) In the world, do /reload to be sure everything loaded properly.
c) The load messsage should show up!
If the world doesn't show up, then it's likely that you've either dragged WorldZip into your saves folder, or something else went wrong. Contact me if this happens
To fully install the Datapack into a Minecraft world, follow the steps below.
Be sure you're on SkyblockCreation-Datapack and not SkyblockCreation-World!
1/ Download the zip
a) Hit the "Code" dropdown near the top right
b) Be sure you're on the 'local' tab
c) Click 'Download Zip' near the bottom of the dropdown
2/ Unzip the file (using something like winrar or 7zip) to get the datapack folder
a) The file should be called something along the lines of 'SkyblockCreation-Datapack-main'
3/ Inside of the folder you just opened, there should be yet another folder called 'SkyblockCreation-Datapack-main'.
a) A bit confusing, but it should be clear
b) Let's called this folder "DatapackMain", and the actual folder you downloaded be called "DatapackZip"
4/ Open your world's datapack folder
a) In Minecraft, click Singleplayer
b) Click on your world
c) Hit 'Edit'
d) Click 'Open world folder'
e) In the file explorer window, go into the Datapacks subfolder
5/ Drag and drop DatapackMain into your datapacks folder.
a) When entering the world, if it prompts to make a backup before using experimental features, ignore it
i) It always shows up when using certain features, they're not experimental
b) Type /reload
c) If the load message shows up, everything loaded fine.
If the load message doesn't show up, then it's likely that you've either dragged DatapackZip into your datapacks folder, or something else went wrong. Contact me if this happens
- @Sadan (Master Mode) - Development, ideas, basically everything lol
- @Pikahhhh - Original inspiration for SBStats, also made an incredible plug-in based Skyblock recreation that he spent a lot of time on
For support on anything, contact me:\
- Discord: @Sadan (Master Mode)#2278
- Hypixel Forums
Would love people for bug-testing and stuff before releases
- The Hypixel Team - Credit for the entire game behind this datapack/world, huge props to them
- BlueCommander - Original Skyblock remake, big inspiration behind making this
- YOU! - This project would never have been successful without the support from everyone. Thanks so much!