This software package contains a basic implementation of the hierarchical moment-fitting approach first presented in the following publication: Müller, Kummer, Oberlack: Highly accurate surface and volume integration on implicit domains by means of moment-fitting. DOI: 10.1002/nme.4569 URL:
The implementation considers the construction of quadrature rules for a single quadrilateral cell K = [-1, 1] x [-1, 1] which is cut by the zero iso-contour of a level set function.
Use the functions 'getSurfaceRule' and 'getVolumeRule' to obtain a set of quadrature nodes and weights for the integration over the zero iso-contour and the positive sub-volume (w.r.t. the level set function), respectively. Use the Matlab test runner 'runtests' to execute the basic verification tests in 'surfaceTest.m' and 'volumeTest.m', which also serve as usage examples.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me via [email protected]